My Thoughts On Sexuality

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When asked what sexuality I identify as I am most likely to say lesbian but is actuality i'm pan. I usually tend to lead more towards girls right now because that is how I'm feeling this month. I don't care about gender or how some one feels about their gender if that person is the person for me than that's awesome. The reason I'm ranting about this is because so many people think that is black and white. Why can't it just be that I like someone and they say cool and we carry on with our lives why does it have to be "well my family wont doesn't support that lifestyle" or "my religion doesn't support that lifestyle" or even "homosexuality is wrong" What is wrong is that humans have to get acceptance from others to love the person that they love. I know that there are tons of people who have ranted and protested about this before but I'd like it to be known that I won't stand for it. Recently my sister's friend cried because my sister was drawing a lesbian couple and she felt the lesbian couple was offensive. I first thoughts were WHAT THE HELL! Then I thought I'm gonna kill her! later I realized that it is wrong to kill a seventh grader but the fact is she was crying to get attention and the only reason she could think of was that HOMOSEXUALITY WAS WRONG! I was in the same school as this same girl last year and I even used to talk to her frequently. I think part of the reason she didn't expose herself as a homophobic is that I was known as the bitch that would kill anybody who messed with my sister. And I will. But enough about that, back to what I started talking about. I feel that I have little right to talk about my stand on this because I have never gone out with someone. I know that there are plenty of people who have better stand on this matter. My aunts are lesbian and they would probably have a better stand on the matter but here I am talking about what I think because this is how I stand with sexuality. On how others feel about sexuality even. Sometimes I feel like I could be asexual because I have no want for sexual intercourse I just can't tell. That is why it is such a touchy subject for most people. some are afraid, some are uncertain, and some are beautifully bold. I can respect the bold ones, in fact I really like the bold ones.  I feel like since I touched on sexuality I have to touch on gender too. Look to me personally I don't care if someone uses he/she/they pronouns if they are a good person that works for me. I am willing to support a trans person any day. And just to be clear when I say I don't care I don't mean that I don't care about their opinions I mean I won't judge some one for whatever they identify as. I hope this sheds a little more light on how I feel and to anyone who knows me and is reading this, if you weren't previously informed of my current sexuality that this is me coming out to you. I right now at this very moment am pansexual and I honestly don't think that will ever change.

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