Ch. 3

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Avion P.O.V
Chapter 3 Part 1
I just woke up from dis dream I had about Ashanti. This is getting out of hand. Like really. I went from looking at her to thinking bout her, now I'm dreaming about her and the worst part is she is my stepsister so I know that I'm wrong. I'm gone tell her tonight.

I was just sitting on my bed thinking when my phone vibrated on my nightstand indicating I had received a text message.

_RichHomieJa_ : Aye Avion issa party tonight at that nigga Lucas house. Word on the street is that everybody is going to be there. The finest females gone be there. Party starts at 8. So show up round 9-9:30 and bring Ashanti with you.

I quickly replied.

_FyeNiggaAvion_ : Ight bruh. i'll see you then.

I got up and walked the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I walked back in my room and checked the time. 10:04. Ian know I slept that late. I'm finna just take a shower. I took my boxers off and wrapped a towel around my waist. I took of my wife beater but left my sports bra on. I walked through the closet to Ashanti door and knocked.

"Come In" I heard her say

I walked in the room and she was laying on her bed on her phone looking at something.

"Good Morning Ashanti, do you have any plans today" I asked

"No, why" she asked

"There's a party tonight at 9 and my homie Ja told me to bring you" I said

"oh okay... im down" shensaid

"well im finna take a shower but since we aint got shit else to do today... you tryna go see a movie?" I asked

"yea which one?" she said

"I was thinking bout going to see All Eyez On Me.. but its whatever to be honest" I said

"oh yea lets go see that.I'll even wear my Tupac dress" she said
"You gone be ready in like a hour?" I asked

"Yeah I just gotta shower real quick" she said

"Same" I said

I walked out her room and to my bathroom.

1 hour later
Ashanti P.O.V
I just finished getting dressed. I have on my black and white Tupac dress. Its fitted and it stops mid-thigh. I decided to wear my jordans that Avion bought me last night.

I let my hair down and walked out of my room and into Avion's.

I noticed she was wearing black jeans, black and white tupac shirt and her shoes she bought last night.

"Oh so you tryna match me now...... I see" I said

"Hell nah, I just felt like wearing this" she said.

"Okay.... Okay... You ready?" I asked

"Yeah leggo" she said

We left out her room and walked down the stairs.

"Good Morning" Avion's mom said

"Hey Ma, good morning" Avion said

"Good Morning" I said

"where are you guys headed today" My dad asked

"Oh we are going to see All Eyez On Me" I said

"Oh well have fun" Avion's mom said

"Ashanti, you driving" Avion said and ran to the passenger side

I walked to the drivers side and got in.

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