Ch. 5

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n Avion P.O.V

So much is running through my head right now

"I'm sorry I didn't mea---" I smashed my lips into hers before she could finish what she was saying.

Both of us fought for dominance, I won. She now had her arms wrapped around my neck and her legs around my tors. I laid her back down and we continued to kiss. I continued to kiss down her jawline and onto her neck, leaving hickeys. She moaned, which only turned me on, even more. She took her shirt and bra off , displayed her pierced nipples. I slipped her right nipple into my mouth while I played with her left. I soon switched and continued this same movement on her left nipple. I kissed down her stomach, leavings that only she and I would see. I go to her pants and I slid them off, leaving her in only a thong. I looked up at her as she smirked down at me. 

"May I?" I asked looking at her pretty pussy through the white lace thong

She nodded her head yes and I didn't hesitate to rip the thing off and devour her pussy. Her moans and cries only made music to my ears as I ate like it was my last meal. She came and that didn't stop me, she tried to run only for me to pull her back onto my face. She came for the second time and I stood up from my knees. I went to the closet and slipped on my strap leaving her on my bed. What I seen next shocked the fuck outta me. I walked back into my room and saw her fingering her self, only to be moaning my name. I walked to the bed and stood on the edge and walked. She crawled towards me and started to suck on my strap. After a couple minutes of that, I picked her up and placed her against the while we kissed. I slammed her back on the bed and slid my strap into her tight pussy. Only for her to moan and motivate me to go faster. All you could hear for the rest of the nigh was her screams, my grunts and our skin as we fucked all night...........

Good thing our parents were gone.








Next Day. Ashanti P.O.V 

I woke up in Avion's bed and noticed that she was gone. Last nights events started to rush through my head. I got wet just thinking about it. The front door closed, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Ashanti" Avions voice beamed through the house 

"Yes" I yelled back, not wanting to get up.

"Come down , I got food" she yelled back. I stood up, only to fall back down. I crawled to our closet and grabbed some pajama pants and a shirt. 

I limped down the stair and into the kitchen where I seen Avion leaned against the counter eating ice. 

"Food is on the table, can you make my plate real quick? I gotta piss" she said running out the kitchen. I filled both our plates with pancakes, bacon, eggs, sausage and grits from the restaurant up the street. I limped to the refrigerator and bent over to get the orange juice when a hard smack hit my ass. I looked back to see Avion.

"Girl stop, I'm sore" I said 

"Yeah, I could tell by that limp" she smartly replied as I walked toward the table with the orange juice and cups. I poured both of us a cup and I sat down. We both dug into our food. 

"About last night" she started

"What about it" I said 

"I apologize. I took it too far." she said 

"Its fine, I wanted you too" I said

"It felt so good but I know we were wrong" She stated

"I loved it" I said 

"Me too, but we gotta make sure nobody ever finds out" She said 

"Finds out what?" Her mom asks 

OMG!!!! WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK HAPPENS NEXT? I know this is a short chapter but its a teaser. Hope you guys enjoyed it. Like!!! and comment below.

Do you think they are going to get in trouble? 

Do you think Avions mom find out?

Is this gonna happen again?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2019 ⏰

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