What Is A Hero?

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It was quite buetiful. The sundown was quite something to see. The light eluminated the whole city and you can just watch it so many times, everyday and never stop feeling amazed by it.

Gray was taking deep breaths, while the visible cold air exhaled from his every inhale of breath.

"Cold isn't it?" Said the lossy dressed man.

"Naaa, this is nothing" said Gray.


With the man known as All Might, he was nothing but a random person in a street laughing on the floor from his own cringing joke.

Gray and Izuku reactions were sweatdrops formed on their heads.

With All Might done laughing with his joke, he got up and cleared his throat.

The three then continued walking.

"Well, aside from what I said, the reason I asked you to accompany me was to hear me out on some things" said All Might

Gray and Izuku were quite while All Might was speaking.

"80% of the world, filled with people with quirks, and many with great ones actually, many to use for industries and even to help people. The 20% of people who don't have quirks mostly rely on people who do to protect them. Many people use their quirks only to harm people and cause destruction. That's where hero's come in to stop these villains from causing harm to the people."

Suddenly All Might stopped.

"Izuku Midoriya" yelled out All Might.

"Y-yes" replied the slightly frighten Izuku

"I have never seemed someone who was quirkless, bravely entered a situation where you could of died, but you ignored that thought and stilled went in."

Izuku could only bring his head down while his hair was shadowing his eyes.

"Any normal person would think that it was crazy of what you did. But I think that it was heroic"

Izuku then raised his head.

And again All Might yelled out his name.

"Izuku Midoriya, YOU TOO CAN BECOME A HERO!"

That was the it. That was the final piece.

Izuku broke down crying with tears.

"I WANT TO BECOME A HERO!" Cried out Izuku.

Izuku have never let so much emotion out for his dream of becoming a hero.

Even though it seemed impossible to achieve it, he stilled would like to believe it.

And today, it's going to change forever.

"Izuku, I'm going to help you become a hero"

Izuku stoped crying with stains of tears still on his face.

"B-but ...How?"

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