Chapter 8

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"Tawnypaw, are you going to wake up?"Her mentor woke her up. "You are going to gather some comfrey today remember" Tawnypaw jumped I forgot! She scrambled up and ran outside to meet Bravepaw waiting for her.
"Do you want some prey before we go out?" Bravepaw asked
"U-mmm, I guess we need to eat" Tawnypaw responded. She sat by Bravepaw by the Prey pile. Softpaw,Cloudpaw,Ravenpaw, Cavepaw, and Wolfpaw were eating while their mentors and the deputy talked. "How is training" she bit into a small starling.
"Great I caught two frogs, one rabbit,and a thrush" Bravepaw took a bit out of the starling "How is learning those herbs" he asked back
"I memorized most of them. You done?"she took her last bit out of the starling
"Yep. Let's go! And my mentor knows I am going with you" Bravepaw ran out of camp. Tawnypaw followed a bit behind. When she caught up they were already at the Stary Pools. Bravepaw took her to the pool nearest to the waterfall. "Isn't it beautiful, like you" He purred
Tawnypaw blushed "can you scent the comfrey"
"Yea, it is right by the waterfall right?" Tawnypaw nodded. Bravepaw padded behind the waterfall and came out with the comfrey and some lilac flowers.
"What are those flowers for"
"You" he replied. "Hey I saw how you fought when we trained, want to try training again?Claws sheathed" he asked, nudging the comfrey and lilacs to the waters edge. Tawnypaw hesitated then nodded.
He led her to a small clear area. He dropped into a battle crouch. Tawnypaw copied. She slithered into the shadow running in circles. Dizzy, Bravepaw tried to keep his balance. Tawnypaw, felt Darkspirit beside her and he whispered, go for the legs then shut it down. Tawnypaw did as he said. Bravepaw fell defeated. Tawnypaw woke him up by pawing his side countinusly.
"Your going to wake up" Tawnypaw was getting annoyed, but Bravepaw woke up shortly after that. " Do you want to go back to camp and rest." She asked Bravepaw nodded and limped back to camp with comfrey in his mouth. Darkspirit mumbled, then disappeared. Tawnypaw followed Bravepaw back to camp. When at camp she but away the comfrey and though Maybe I can take a quick nap before Shadeleaf returns. Then she fells asleep.
   Tawnypaw heard the sound of pain and battle. Growls filled her ears and she became over whelmed by the smell of death and decay. Her clanmates were fight someone or something. She rushed to camp only to find dead kits, elders, and queens, and battling warriors. She couldn't see the enemy she wailed in terror. Out of no where she fell. She was greeting by Rosewhisker. "Don't be so tense that was a a vision of what could happen to all of the clans if you don't watch out". Tawnypaw was confused. Suddenly she heard Shadeleaf voice.
"Tawnypaw wake up, Tawnypaw!"she felt a paw on her shoulder and woke to hear Shadeleaf yelling her name.
"What is it Shadeleaf"
"Are you okay? You were crying and mewing and turning in your sleep" Shadeleaf asked nervously
"I am fine just a dream"Tawnypaw responded. Shadeleaf shrugged then continued
  "A patrol spotted a dog on the the border with MarshClan today" Tawnypaw could tell she was trying to change the subject. A dog?? Tawnypaw remembered the vision the dogs were attacking them she realized. Should I say something. I can just wait and see. She trotted away to take her share from the fresh kill pile. She grabbed a mouse then headed back into the medicine cats den. Why did I say yes again. She remembered because she was apparently a small, useless, weak runt. She noticed it was Nightfall and she should be asleep but the forest kept her up. She padded out of camp by the lake.
"Why are you out so late young Tawnypaw" a deep voice that belonged to Darkspirit mewed.
"How are you here"She asked " Are we going to train"
"Do you want to" She nodded. "Okay then attack" Tawnypaw swept under him tangling his legs she then pushed him unsheathed her claws holding on to his tail and climbing up. Darkspirit jumped up and down trying to get her on him. He rolled over squeezed her body against the ground. Tawnypaw got up and hit his two hind legs making him unable to walk she then bit his ear and hopped off him. "Very good Tawnypaw. Can we train tomorrow in StarClan I will be bringing some friends that can help us do better" she nodded then slowly fell asleep.

I don't know if this was long enough but I hope I did okay, note next chapter will be a very important authors note that I must read it will be quick but important

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