Title: Brick by Bloody Brick
In bright sunlight,
Luscious loud green,
Resides a thief,
A sinner of gluttony,
A fragile golden lion's mane with greedy intentions.
To ignorance it is innocence,
To the garden it is a parasite,
As its poisonous roots seep through soil.
In the rot of flesh,
A sharp red wailing,
Another thief lurks,
Long blades of pincers,
Grimy disgrace of a body,
The filth of the world feasts
On the death of others.
In a moldy dimension
Of desolate murk,
The lethal browns of silent flowing currents,
Hidden assassins,
Mercenaries of Pestilence himself,
Scamper rampant as evil rides their backs,
As if cab drivers for death.
Blood spills for war on the body has begun,
And the victor has no name.
Poems, Stories, And Unorganized Messes
Short StoryShort stories, poems, snippets, scraps, scripts, and more...whatever I feel like writing. Kind of a dumpster where I just dump what I'm thinking, but it doesn't smell as bad. I hope. Copyright 2014 (c) by DiscardedOpus13 All rights reserved. No part...