Angel (tomtord)

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There wasn't any air left,the crushing pain weighed heavy on his chest. He couldn't move,he couldn't hold in his breath for much longer. Cold water rushed into his burning lungs,water stocked up in his throat. He couldn't break,move. It all hurt. He closed his eyes and it went black.

It looked so simple,like any other house. Any other group of friends,but it wasn't really. Was it?
It was quiet in the house,other then the bickering of two voices. Tom and Tord were once again fighting,Edd leaned up to the door trying to listen into the fighting. He couldn't make out words,the door being a lot thicker then he had remembered. He strained his ear to try an listen,the muffled voice of a loud Norwegian accent was trying to drain out the loud screams of a British voice. "FINE IF YOUR GONNA BE LIKE THAT!" The British accent was clear now,Edd scrambled to his feet and took off down the hall trying to look as normal as he could.

The door flung open,Tom stepping out into the hall. Tord wasn't done yelling at him. "GET BACK IN HERE JEHOVAH'S WITNESS!" Tord yelled out after Tom,who was storming down the hall ignore Tord's insults. This 'Jehovan's witness' was done dealing with Tord's actions,tired of his insults. Tom pulled the front door open,sending one last scowl at the Norwegian who was standing in the living room. "I'm done with your shit,Tord" He said before slamming the door behind him.

Each step he took was filled with rage. The sun was setting,the orange and pink hues filled the sky as night approached. Tom didn't care,his head was in his thoughts. He didn't notice him wondering farther and farther away from the house. He didn't notice where he was headed. He didn't notice the sounds of footsteps behind him,chasing after him. As the steps got heavier and heavier,louder and louder,closer and closer. Tom finally was snapped out of his trance. Night had fallen,and when someone comes running after you,hooded, at night. You don't just stand around.

Tom didn't miss a beat,as soon as he turned around to see the figure running after him,he darted off as well. The figure called after him in the unmistakable Norwegian accent,but Tom wasn't think about the voice. He was thinking someone was chasing him,and that he needed to run. Tom's eyes darted from street side to street side for a place to run or a place to lose his chaser. Up ahead Tom saw a heavily wooded area,he made up his mind and began to run over to the trees.

Leaves crunched under his feet,behind him he could hear leaves crunching as well. His breath was sharp and heavy,not use to running this fast or for this long his legs began to get tried. His pace was slowing down,but he wasn't about to give up now. Not now,not ever. He began to force himself to run fast,he started tripping over his own feet. Doing the opposite of what he wanted. His chaser was gaining on him.

"NO!" He called out tears forming in his 'eyes'. He was still trying to quicken up his pace. His vision got so blurry he didn't see the stone he tripped on. Or the hill that he was now tumbling down.
There was a loud splash,his chaser stopped. Tord looked around frantically,his head looking left to right for Tom's body. Tord quickly ran down the hill,careful not to fall. Searching the waters of a river.  

There wasn't any air left,the crushing pain weighed heavy on his chest. He couldn't move,he couldn't hold in his breath for much longer. Cold water rushed into his burning lungs,water stocked up in his throat. He couldn't break,move. It all hurt. He closed his eyes and it went black.  There was a splashing of water,that was all Tom heard before he let out the last of what was in him. Bubbles floated to the surface.
Tord was at the edge of the river,sleeves rolled up as he searched the waters in the dark trying to find the bright blue of Tom's hoodie. 

Bubbles floated up to Tord's right and he quickly rushed over to where the bubbles wear. He searched around that area of the water. "He had to be over here" Tord kept mumbling to himself. He had enough. Tord threw of his hoodie and dove straight into the cold river. He couldn't see much in the moonlight,he felt around for something. Anything. His hands finally touched something soft,Tord grabbed it and swam up. He coughed on some water and dragged Tom's limp body to the river bank.
Tord pushed down on Tom's stomach trying to get him to cough up the water. It didn't help. He held Tom's nose as he pressed his lips onto Tom's mouth and breathed in. That didn't work. Tord just kept trying,a stream of tears now falling down his warmed cheeks. He held Tom's freezing body close to him,resting his head on Tom's chest. He started sobbing.

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