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It was peaceful. The bustling sounds of the streets below washed over him. Tom let out a long sigh as he leaned against the glass railings,he closed his eyes and let the sounds of the city take over. 
A loud gunshot was heard,like it was just a few feet in front of him. Tom's eyes shot open and looked up,Tord was standing a few feet in front of him. Tom's hand rested over his stomach,when an opened gunshot wound was pooling out blood. A wave of cold washed over Tom's body,he gripped the rails tight trying not to fall over. Tord began laughing at Tom,who was now on his knees coughing up blood. It began to form a puddle under him,a dark red puddle.
Tom glared at Tord the best he could,feeling betrayal course through out his body. This was it he was going to die,bleeding out because the stupid commie shot him. Tom fell over laying in his own pool of blood,to weak to move. He was dying,he knew that but why did he still cling to the hope he was dreaming. That this was just some prank some how,that Tord hadn't really shot him. 

The sound of a pair of boots began to walk over to Tom,a large shadow looming over his body. The last think Tom smelled was the smoke from Tord's cigar. Last thing he heard,was the sound of him laughing,as he stood over Tom's limp body. 

Tord checked for Tom's pulse,after he got no beat he stepped back. He leaned his arms on the glass railing,his lips formed into a frown as he looked down below at the streets and passing cars. He's eyebrows knitted into a scowl as his mind wondered. This was it,what he was waiting for. To finally kill Tom,now he was dead laying limp next to him. Why did he feel so empty? So lost? He flicked his cigar and dropped it into the streets below. He stepped back,giving Tom's body one last glance. He sighed and ran his finger through his hair. He keeled down next to Tom's body,and rolled him over. He regretted it the moment his fingers touched the softness of Tom's hoodie. 

Tom's face was void of any emotion other then pain and sadness. His hoodie was stained in blood,and clung to his body closely. Tord quickly pulled his hand away, and just sat there staring. Maybe a minute passed? Maybe five? He didn't really know,anymore. He honestly didn't care,but the sound of sirens snapped him out of his trance. He glanced once more at Tom,he reached out his hand and closed his eye lids.
"Sorry" Is all he said as he got up from the ground. He fixed his blue overcoat, and began walking over to the sliding glass doors. He pulled the door open,and stopped for a moment. He took in a shaky breath and stepped into the hotel room. 

He began walking down the hallways of the hotel,the few people up at this hour were all rushing out of theirs with suitcases packed. He didn't even such as get a second glance as people rushed to the elevators. He didn't bother with the slow machine and began walking down the stairs,a few people following down after him. Before he knew it the stairs were filled with people,all trying to get to the lobby. He smiled to himself,he loved the look of fear in everyone's eyes.
People around him whispered about them hearing a gunshot,some said that a murderer was lose in the building. Man did news travel fast.

Police have already arrived at the lobby,some were trying to help people out of the building. Others were taking down notes and accounts from everybody. No one sent him a glance,no one looked at him. This was his chance,he took it and he left. No one said a thing,no one stopped him. No one even knew it was him.

A few days passed,Edd and Matt were watching the news when a new story came up. "Man founded dead on the balcony of his hotel,gunshot wound to the abdomen"
Matt turned up the T.V. He and Edd watching in quiet. When the story ended,Edd turned the T.V off. They stayed in silence,for a few minutes. 
Edd began crying,and Matt held him close trying to comfort him.

"It had been four days since Tom was shot,and the news had already covered the story." Tord growled to himself as he watched the T.V from his work desk in his office.

Hope you enjoyed this little thing! <3

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