What is he doing here?....

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Sorry =^= Two weeks of exams !! So.... HERE WE GO!!! :DDD


Rikka's P.O.V

" Y-yes there is ..." The strage voice said and it was ...

" What the...?! What are you doing here ?! Ira!! "

" Calm down, I'm not here to fight, no need for the ' Fighting pose' "

" H-huh .... Not here to fight ..? So what are you doing here?... " I tryed to breath normally, but yeah, my heart-throbbings were fast...

" Still worried? Haha! I said don't worry!! " he was smirking while blushing a bit?...

" W-what do you want from here! Keru~ !!" Raquel was hiding with my back from Ira...

" It's fine, Raquel, he said he won't fight"

" But it might be a trap Ke- !!"

" I said I'm NOT!!!" Ira cutted Raquel by shouting

" So why you're here?! " I said, feeling my heart-throbbings are faster

" For real .... I came for this .... " He showed me my glasses

" A-ah !!! It was with you all the time !! " Yeah, I forgot to say, I lost my glasses at the last battle

" Yeah they are, and also ..I came to apologize if I hurted you ..." he handed me the glasses and saw away blushing

" .... Ira .... Thank you ..." I smiled and I felt my cheeks hot

" W-why that smile? Heh! J-just forget it !!" He was blushing deep and he teleported

" What's happening in this world Keru~..?!"

" Neither me I don't know, But yeah ... doesn't that shows that he is not completely a selfish?" 

" Rikka! Don't believe him! He's still our enemy Keru~!!" Raquel was flying insanely

" R-Raquel! Calm down please! I know that!!" I tried catching him but he was so fast

" Really Keru~?! " He stopped, but he was high to catch

" F-for sure!! I won't fall for him fastly!! " 

" Hmmm.... I believed you Keru~!! " Raquel flyed to me 

"Why do I feel so much hurted? ...."

" Is everything fine Keru?~ "

" Raquel .... Don't tell Mana and the others about what happened ... Please ... "

" B-but .... He might hurt you one day Keru~!!"

" I can protect myself !! And you'll help me !! Isn't ? " I winked, acting that I'm happy

' Rikka ... For sure!! This is going to be our secret Keru~!! "

" Thank you !! Raquel!! "

" Your welcome and let us go and sleep now, it's late already Keru~! " Raquel flyed upstairs and I followed him

" I wonder whats going to happen more ? I'm sure he came to say something else but he couldn't ...."

" Rikka!! Goodnight Keru~..." He was yawning and fastly he fell asleep

" Wow .. so fast .. Hehe ^^ Goodnight ! Sleep well! " I giggled quietly

" What a night today .. " I smiled warmthly .....


2nd Chapter !!

I'll keep updating always!! >v<

~Cutie_Rinny is having final exams those three weeks </3~

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