Shhh!! It's a secret!

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Rikka's P.O.V

" Rikka... Riiikkkaa...!RIKKA!!!!! "

" Who's shouting like this... "

" IT'S MANA!!! "

" H-huh..? W-why shouting? "

" It's already late!! What happened?! Why you're not wake up early?! "

" Makoto?... What time is now? "

" It's 7:30 AM!!! "

" EEEEHHH!??!?!?!?!?! " I jumped from my bed and went inside the restroom fast, I don't understand what the matter with the alarm...?

" I finished!!! " I ran fast downstairs to find Mana and Makoto prepared two pieces of toast buttered with jam..

" Here! Have them and let's try reaching school fast! it's already 7:45 AM! " Mana wore her shoes while talking and went outside home running with Makoto.

" Where is Raquel?! " I tried running fast while eating my buttered toast.

" I'M HERE KERU! ~" He already transformed to the Lovely Commune and hang himself with my bag

" W-why didn't you wake me up !!"

" No time to fight!! We're going to reach soon!! " Mana shouted cheerfully

" He did, but it looks like you were so much tired last night, Rikka! " Makoto said while slowing to come beside me.

" TADAAAA !!!! WE'RE HERE!!! " Mana stopped and pointed to the school.

" President! Why were you late? " One of the Student Council Members asked worried.

" I-I'm really sorry! It's my fault, I didn't woke up early..! " I said, trying to make everyone calm.

The bell rang and Me, Mana and Makoto went to our class.

" Hmm...?" Mana was staring at me confused.

" Everything is okay? Mana? " I said worried.

" Kinda...? " Mana raised her right eyebrow

" Not Kinda, I prefer NO. " Makoto said with glared face.

" Ummm....? " I was scared and worried.. is everything really fine?

" Not waking up early, it's your first time doing this Rikka.. " Mana had a worried face

" Plus you're acting weird from yesterday's fight

" R-really? I don't feel so. " I tried not seeing there faces and act calm.

" Makopi is right... you weren't okay from yesterday, acting weird... "

" Mana, Makoto, I'm fine, I was just-- "

" Everyone sit down fast" I were cutted by the teacher entering our class and clapping.

Ah... just and the perfect time teacher!!!

" You'll never escape from answering... " Makoto whispered to me from her desk

" H-huh..? " I tried acting as if I don't understand what they want, but Makoto ignored as always.

Should I tell them about what happened yesterday..?  I think no...

Our first three classes finished and it's time for Break.

" Girls! I forgot something from the Student council room, I'll go get it and come to you." I said to them smiling.

" Fine! We'll be waiting for you at the Cafeteria!! " Mana shouted cheerfully as always.

" I'll go after you! " I grinned, I ran to the Student council room.

" Hmm ... Where is it..?  I'm sure I left it there yesterday. " I couldn't find my diary, I forgot it here yesterday.

" Looking for this?" Someone was swinging the book by his hand and he was.... Ira.. again.

" A-again?! For what you came this time!!! " I went back few steps from him

" Don't worry, I'm here to just say these words, Please, try not fighting me. " He said those words blushing lightly and worried, then he disappeared.

" W-what's happening with him... " I sweated, and took my book from the ground.

" Yesterday and Now.... What the matter with him...? " I hugged my book tightly without feeling.

Should I believe him..? What should I do..?

" Woah, Raquel isn't here, that's better, he surely will tell Mana about what happened right now.. Fewh.." I sighed relieved, and went to the Cafeteria.

" Why you're late?! " Makoto said while glaring

" I just didn't find the book fast? " I gave her a poker face.

" So, you didn't tell us about yesterday? " Mana asked.

" Don't worry girls, I was worried because of Mama not coming home those days, I feel I missed her ...that's everything thing..! "

" O-oh...Don't worry Rikka! Your mom for sure is thinking about you! And sure she'll come home back! Now or later! " Mana said while slapping my cheeks.

" O-ouch..! I know Mana! Thank you! " I grinned

" That's everything? " Makoto looked relieve.

" Why would I hide anything from you girls? " I smiled widely

" YAY!!! SO! CASE CLOSED!! " Mana grinned widely.

" So, let's eat before break finish! " I opened my lunch box and start eating with the other girls.

Thanks god... I wonder why Ira is saying those words...? I think there is going to be more...


Hewweo!! Just Don mind me writing short chapters!! >< I'm so busy girl! That what I can write for now! Ah ! My exmas are done! And it's Vacation for two weeks now!! So I'll try writing more!!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2014 ⏰

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