an encounter.

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it's almost too bad that all it took to get him falling was an encounter with the short raven haired girl, with her chocolate cheeks and mulberry lips. it was at the grocery store, he remembers, she was laughing; her eyes full of excitement because she was talking about something she loved. it was a whimsical noise to his ears, her laugh made him see everything differently, everything like it was valuable, like it had a meaning. it took one glance to make him tremble, quiver and shake. 

she smiled, and waved. 

he froze, feeling surrounded by an empty void. her chapped lips parted and she waved again, almost compelled this time. 

swallowing the harsh lump in his throat, he turned around only to be met by a boy with jean blue eyes and the same smile that matched hers. like a puzzle piece. he raised his hand to wave back at her, giving her a look that only he realized. a look of lust. a look of love. a look of hopelessness. because he's drowning in the allurement she has held him in. 

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