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Every one of the contestants stood on stage as they waited anxious and nervously for which one of them was going to be in the cast. Most of them hoped they didn't do a bad job and that they were going to get rejected for it. They all stood upright and faced Jack as he began his decision. As he checked his clipboard, he walked to the right side of everyone. They were watching check their names and assumed position when he looked back at them.

"Alright, let's see." He began with thought. "I'll guys."

The group of male dancers cheered while Jack happened upon Marianne and Roland.

"Which one of you is the girl?" He asked them.

"Ha ha. Very funny." Marianne laughed sarcastically.

"'Loud and horrible, but shows promise.'" Jack read what he wrote for them. "Welcome to the show."

Marianne was shocked while Roland chuckled, "Cool. I guess we could hang."

"No, I just want her. Not you." corrected Jack while going to pick the rest.

"What?!" The couple cried in unison.

"Alright, the rest of the group acts, thank you very much."

Everyone groaned in despair at losing their chance as many of them departed the stage.

"Oh, don't feel bad, folks." Jack reminded them. "There'll be a 10% discount on tickets for everyone!"

"Yeah, sure. Thanks." One of them remarked, deflated.

Roland sure wasn't going to go solo on his band and he certainly wasn't going to let Marianne go solo either.

"Let's get out of here, Marianne." Roland sighed and took his leave while Marianne just stood there, deciding whether to stay or leave with him.


"Uh, yeah." She stammered and followed. "Yeah, let's go."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2018 ⏰

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