The Camp?

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I looked up at Ivy once again and she smiled softly. I looked back down and tried to remember at least my name then ivy looked at me and said "hey do u wanna get out and I'll show u the camp?" She smiled at me and I said stuttering "s-sure" she smiled once again and helped me up on my feet and she put my arm around her and walked out of the tent helping me along the way. I squinted  cause of the bright sun since I haven't seen outside the tent for a few days. I looked around and saw probably around 8 people walking  around the camp and the male that walked into the tent earlier was one of them. I kept looking around amazed since before I got here I lived in fear on that monster tearing me to shreads and eating me just like that fresh corpse it was feasting on in that mansion. I shivered at the thought. Ivy looked at me with worried eyes and asked "are u alright?" Her voice sounding worried. I nodded and finally said yes stuttering. She smiled a bit and nodded and we began walking around the camp and she showed me around and told me who was who and what tent was who's. I sighed in relief that I didn't have to worry about that monster coming back and attacking me in my sleep. I looked up at Ivy and she gave me warm smile I smiled back. She giggled and we began walking back to the tent that was also known as the medical center of the camp. I looked around and walked back into the tent and sat down on a the bed. I felt dizzy still and looked down at my leg that was covered in bandages from the bite mark. I touched it and it stung i guess the bite mark was deep cause  it still stung after a few days of it being wrapped. I looked at Ivy who was sitting on a chair and she looked back and smiled and said "u should rest." I nodded and lied down and my head was still hurting from when i collapsed so i feel asleep to hopefully made the pain go away. I woke up and from the looks of it im guessing it was midnight or somewhere close to it.
(hope u enjoyed this so far action coming up in the next chapter)

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