Haunted By The Ghost of You

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A/N this is my very first attempt at writing so, please don't judge.

Turning down Cemetery Road, Tony couldn't help but feel his chest weighing in. He hasn't been here since Clay went... Even if it was more then a week a ago, it felt like years upon years too him. That's what grief can do to a person. Either way, he never would have thought about coming back, but today. He needed too.

Getting out of the car, he fiddled with the bouquet of roses in his hands, feeling a bit out of place here, but he felt that everywhere. Just learned how to deal with it. Although he couldn't... wouldn't do it here, never here. The only sound that could be heard was the crunching grass beneath his shoes with each step he took. Other than that, it was silence. A sound he was all too familiar with if you ask me.

Tony looked around too find the name he so longed to see, but only saw others instead. Dean Smith, loving brother and father. Samantha Singer, was too young too go, but knew where too fly. Most of the graves there were decorated in flowers, gift-shop teddy bears, or the occasional letters. One thing suck out though, one spot that has no tombstone, just a tag. No flowers. No letters. No teddy bear. Just a tag of who's there. Tony stepped closer to see it, but by doing that, he could feel his chest weighing in one more, except this time it was more intense.

Looking down at the grave and back again at the roses, they just felt trivial. "Hey, I know you probably hate roses but they were the only one left in the store that weren't dying." Tony said with a chuckle, which lead to tears of the edge of falling. He squatted down next the grave, re-reading the tag over again before placing the flowers down.

"I think that they're beautiful." A boy says beside Tony, which almost gave Tony a heart attack. He uses his left hand to support himself while his catches his breath, but once he looks up at he boy side him, his breathing stops again.

"Hey, Tony. You okay there?" Clay says with one of his rare smiles. Tony stares at him for a while before nodding and getting up, never taking his eyes off of him. "Tony? Oh boy!" Clay chokes out before Tony rushes to hug him, his tears now rushing freely down his tanned face. Clay's hoodie balled in Tony's fist as he desperately held onto him.

"Clay, I'm so sorry." Tony said into Clay's shoulder, he said something else but its was to muffled. Clay patted his back gently, and just nodded. "It's fine. It was my decision, I chose this... it was my justice." Clay said slowly, but Tony refused to understand what he said.

"No... I could have stopped you, I could have helped you. I could have pulled yo-" Tony said, pulling back so he could look at Clay. He went to continue one but Clay cut him off, "You can't help everyone Tony, some people don't need to be saved. You know this. Why do you even care? You know what I did, I walked away. I caused all those reasons!" This didn't help Tony's emotional state, hell now looking at it, he was questioning his mental state, but that didn't matter to him at the moment.

"You know why I care... Clay." Tony said, his voice trembled.

"No, I don't. Tell me why."

"You already know why."

"I wanna hear it from you."

"Clay, yo-"


"I CARED BECAUSE I FUCKING LOVED YOU CLAY!" Tony screamed at the top of his lungs, not caring if anyone heard him. His throat felt strained, probably my from all the crying and the yelling but he didn't care. He just stared at Clay, who returned the stare back at him. Tony waited for god knows how long for an reaction before Clay smiled at him, but it only lasted for a second.

"Why didn't you say that too me when I was alive?" And like that, Clay disappeared, leaving Tony heartbroken... and well... alone.

A/N: Well how was that for my first one shot thingy? Did it break your heart as much as it did mine? It was thought in my head after Clay's episode, like what if he would have jumped? Well now you know. Anyway, Leave request!!! I'm bored.

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