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Tagged by ohmyhaylee

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Tagged by ohmyhaylee

not sure how this is done so i guess i will be stating my message to you here hahaha.. stay positive no matter how rough the ride is! ❤️

are you in the list?

JeshineaTheWriter -averagesky -accioclary -momochan 20Seraphine03 _LittleMissSarcastic -nimdha -taintedyouths 1DaughterOfPoseidon __Theocrazygal__ _Oceanic_ acevonfin AestheticCovers Annax2x ashthunder123 astrophilicflaws Autumn_breeze_20 belladonnas- BellSistersGraphics

be sure to follow these steps
1) tag 10 people to spread the positivity around

P.S. if you're not in the list, you can still follow these steps and remember to tag me when you're done!

a side note, had been busy with school so i missed the tag. but this tag simply stick itself to my conscience and i had to do it even though its long overdue haha.. partly because of my boyfriend who once organized a positivity movement in his school ❤️

and what happened to the creep? (if you've read D-3) he simply stopped bothering me when i indirectly rejected him.. i will reveal more details on the next update!

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