The Movies

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It was morning time. Adams was still on his bed asleep. Possibly in a dream. His mom just walked into the room and woke him up. "Hey Adams, it's morning already. Wake up. Remember you have plans. And I'm going to the doctor now," she said as she woke him up. "Oh mom. Good morning," he said. "Morning. How was your night?" she asked. "It was good," he answered. "Alright, I'm leaving now. Your breakfast is on the table," she told him. "Bye mom. Come back safely. I love you mom!" he yelled as she was leaving. Now was time for him to get up and start putting things in order.
He first went downstairs to take his breakfast. After that, he went back to his room trying to figure out what he was gonna wear tonight. After almost an hour of picking out clothes and dumping them, he couldn't find what to wear so he called Lexi for help. "Yo Adams. What's up?" she asked as she picked up the call. "Nothing much really. Just that I've been in my room for almost an hour now trying to figure out what to wear but I couldn't find what to wear. Do you think you can come over and help me?" he told her his problem. "Sure Adams. What are friends for?" she willingly said. "Alright thanks. I would be expecting you. Bye," he said and cut off the line.
   Three hours later, the repairman came to the house to fix the dishwasher and was ringing the doorbell. Adams quickly went to the door and opened it for him. "Welcome Mr. Repairman," Adams said receiving the man. "No please, call me Jake," the man said. "Okay Jake. I believe my mom has told you everything that's wrong," Adams then said. "Yes yes. Where's the dishwasher?" Jake asked. "Over there," Adams said pointing towards the dishwasher. The man walked over to the dishwasher and then said, "Oh! It's no biggy. I'll fix it in no time."
   The repairman was done and was about to leave. "That's it. It's all fixed. Now my balance," the man asked for his money. "Oh shit!" Adams thought to himself. He just remembered that his mom forgot to leave money behind. "Yes!" he just remembered that he had some money in his pants upstairs so he quickly ran up to his room and came back with the money. "Here it is Jake. Thanks a lot," Adams expressed his appreciation. "Yeah it wasn't a problem at all. I'm off," Jake said and left.
   Some minutes later, Lexi arrived and got into the house. "Hey Lexi! You finally came," Adams happily said. "Of course. I wouldn't let you down now would I?" Lexi asked with a wink. "No you won't. Let's go up to my room now shall we?" Adams said urgently. So they went up to his room.
   "Wow this room is a mess!" Lexi exclaimed upon seeing all his clothes scattered on the floor. "I told you I had been searching for almost an hour didn't I?" Adams said with a smirk. "Alright alright. Let's get to it fast. I have to go and prepare myself also you know," Lexi said with some urgency.
   After some time, she picked up a green jacket, black skinny jean, a hat and a yellow T-shirt. "So here you go," she said as she handed them over to Adams. "Thanks, but what's the jacket for?" Adams asked looking curious. "Idiot. It's in case Alicia gets cold then you can give her," she answered laughing. "You know girls like it when a guy gives them his jacket when they're cold," she added. "Thanks a lot Lexi. My ultimate friend," Adams said smiling. "Awwwwn. That's sweet," she said also smiling. "Yeah yeah don't get carried away. Doesn't mean I would stop looking for your trouble though," he said jokingly as he pushed her playfully. "Alright I have to go now. I have to get ready too you know," she said and started going downstairs.
   Downstairs, Adams was busy thanking Lexi for helping him out. "Thanks again Lexi," he said. "Shush. No need to thank me. I've got to be on my way man. See you later," she said and left.
   Moments later, his mom came back from the doctor. "Hey mom. So how'd it go?" Adams asked his mother. "It went smooth actually. Did everything. The doc even said that everything's fine and that I'm getting better," his mom replied. "That's great mom," he said feeling happy. "So when are you going to the movies again?" his mom asked him. "Alicia's gonna come by 6 and then we'll head over to Lexi's apartment," he answered. "Well if that's the case, you better start getting ready 'cause it's already ten minutes past five," she alerted him. Adams rushed upstairs into his bedroom to start getting ready upon hearing that.
   Adams was now done getting ready and was about to get out of his room when he saw the sunglasses he bought the other day. So he decided to pick 'em up and put it on. After that, he was all set and ready to go.
   As he got downstairs, he noticed that Alicia was already there sitting on the couch. "Oh Alicia. So you've come," he said looking surprised. "Yes. I'm sorry I came 20 minutes earlier than expected though," she apologised. "No there's no problem," he said. "Shall we get going then?" he asked. "Yes we shall," she answered. "Mom we'll be leaving now," Adams informed his mom. "Alright. Be safe," she said to them but they were already off.
   Now that they were outside, they were ready to go. "Let's use my bike," Alicia suggested. "Alright, get on and let's go.... I'm gonna drive or ride should I say?" Adams said smiling. And they were off.
   They finally arrived at Lexi's apartment and went to ring the doorbell. Chad came to the door. "Oh, so now you finally arrive," Chad said. "But what's she doing here?" Chad then asked. "Are you going to keep asking me questions or are you gonna let me go in?" Adams asked him. "Fine fine come in," Chad said. They walked into the living room where everyone was except Lexi. She was still getting ready. "Ummm, you didn't tell us she was gonna come," Max said to Adams noticing Alicia beside him. "Yes you didn't," Alex added. "Yo yo. Sorry peeps. She wanted to join us so I was like why not," Adams explained to them. Lexi just stepped into the living room. "Oh Alicia and Adams. When did you guys arrive?" she asked. "Just now," Alicia answered. "Great. So we can go then," Lexi added. "Yo hold up. Does this mean that you knew Alicia was gonna join us?" Chloe asked. "Yes I did. Adams told me everything," Lexi said. "And you didn't tell us?" Max asked a bit angered. "Yo guys chill. I didn't think after telling her there was any need of telling you guys. Sorry peeps," Adams apologised. "Don't worry. Let's just go," Brenda joined in the conversation. So they all went outside.
   As they were outside, Lexi had this amazing idea. "Yo guys, listen to what I think we should do. Let's race to the movies," she suggested. "Yeah that'd be great. In fact, let's do it in teams. Boy and girl on each team," Chloe added. "Yes. So the teams would be Adams and Alicia, Chad and Brenda, Alex and Max, Then I'll go with Lexi. Although we're both girls," Chloe said. "No that's not fair. Adams and Alicia are riders," Max complained. "Come on Max. Let's do it for fun," Chad urged him. "Alright alright. Let's do it," Max finally agreed. "Alright so the boys will ride first and the girls sit at the back," Lexi said. Everything was set and they were off.
   They finally arrived at the movies and Adams and Alicia won the race.
Chad and Brenda came in at second, Chloe and Lexi came in third and Max and Alex came in last. "That was awesome guys!" Lexi exclaimed getting off her bike. "Nice one Adams. You won the first one," Chad added. "Yes yes. Just the first one. 'Cause when we're going back the girls will ride the bikes," Chloe informed. "Wow! Awesome!" Alex excitedly said. "So are we going in to watch the movies or not?" Adams finally asked. "Yeah let's get in," Max said.
   They were now sitted on their seats and were watching the movie when Lexi noticed that Alicia was getting cold so she kicked Adams on the leg. "What?" Adams whispered. "She's cold," Lexi replied pointing at Alicia. Adams then gave her his sweater. "Thanks Adams," Alicia gratefully said. They continued watching the movie.
   The movie had just ended and they were outside about to leave. "So is everyone set?!?" Lexi asked shouting. "Yes!" they shouted back. "Alright let's race!" she then ordered, and they were off.
   Now they were all at Lexi's apartment and Adams and Alicia won the second race also. "Yes! We killed it," Adams said hugging Alicia. "You guys really are great," Brenda said. "Yeah," Lexi said looking bummed but trying to hide it. "Now here's your trophy," Chloe said handing a trophy to Adams. "Here, take it. It's all yours since it's your first time," Adams said and gave the trophy to Alicia. "Wow! Thanks. Do you guys always do this?" she curiously asked. "Well most of the time. Yes," Chad asked. "Alright guys we'll have to be off now. See you all on Monday," Adams said. "Yeah yeah. Go on your way. You have to don't ya?" Max said smiling. "Oh shut up," Adams replied knowing he was messing with him. "Bye guys!" They all said as Adams and Alicia got on the bike and rode off.
   Adams and Alicia just arrived at Alicia's house. "Alright here we are," Adams said. "Thanks Adams. I had a great time," she replied. "Yeah me too," Adams said. "Alright see you on Monday," Alicia said. "Yeah bye," he said and hugged her. She was hoping for a kiss but Adams was already gone.
   Adams just parked his bike in the garage and went into the living room. "Mom. How was your day?" Adams asked his mom as he walked into the living room and gave her a kiss on the cheeks. "It was the usual. Had my checkup. How about you? How was your night?" she asked. "Awesome mom. I had a great time," Adams said happily. "Great. I guess you're not hungry?" his mom asked. "Exactly. You're right mom. I'll be heading to my room now. I'll go to bed after bathing," he informed her. "Well, goodnight then," his mom said. "Goodnight mom," he said and gave her a peck.
   Adams was up in his room about to go to bed and then he decided to call Lexi first. "Hey Adams," she said after picking up the phone. "Lexi thanks for everything today. You made my night," Adams thanked her. "What are friends for dude? I'll always be there for you and you know it," she said. "Thanks Lexi. Talk to you tomorrow. Goodnight," Adams said. "Goodnight," Lexi said and hung up the phone. Now Adams was ready to sleep and he went to bed after an awesome night of fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2019 ⏰

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