| 9.5 | the silver jubilee

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❝The world is on fire
and no one can save me but you.❞

Chapter Nine:
The Silver Jubilee

I sighed, knowing my words had reached him but it was when he bowed his head to stare at our hands clasped together that I knew he really understood. Because at that moment, his hand squeezed mine. It held on, a little tighter and the gesture acted as an unspoken promise.

My face shot up to look at him, happy with the turn of events but in the process, bashed against his jaw. With a loud, ear-cracking groan, Hans let go of my hand and stepped back, his hands cradling his lower chin.

"Are you kidding me right now?" he sputtered, his eyes squinting in pain. "First my nose, now this?"

"I didn't mean to, I'm sorry!" I squeaked, rushing forward and Hans nearly jumped back in fear at my running. "I'm sorry," I repeated, feeling my cheeks flush as he looked down at me with apprehension that quickly gave way to his famous smirk.

"You're insufferable, Henderson," he muttered, turning away.

Hold it, was he blushing? That would make two of us. I was about to apologize a third time when we heard a cranky meow escape into the air. Turning simultaneously, we saw little Miss Munchkin standing proudly yet small in her box, glaring at us both. I swear, her little kitty-brow was raised.

"We woke her up," I said, giggling to myself.

"You think?" Hans rolled his eyes at me. "Come on." I watched as Hans picked up the yet-to-be-named little cutie who purred happily, and followed him into the kitchen. The next ten minutes were spent scrambling around trying to find something feasible for her to eat before Hans settled on a small bowl of milk. I tried not to make it painfully obvious that I was checking out the kitchen and the rest of his home, picking up on small and useful details but Hans caught on without even looking at me.

"This isn't what you expected, is it?" He wasn't even looking my way when he asked me that question, giving his undivided attention to his new pet.

Embarrassed, I answered, "Not exactly."


"No. Pleasantly surprised."

Hans met my eyes from the other side of the kitchen counter and shared a smile.

"What do you think I should name her?"

I glanced at the playful ginger kitten, who was now taking a break from lapping the milk to lick Hans' open palm.

"Crookshanks," I grinned at Hans who gave me a blank stare. "Oh come on. From Harry Potter?"

"I'm not a Potterhead."

I wish I could say that the sound that came out of me was a mock gasp but it was not. It was a 100% legit.

"Another one of your flaws I'll have to accept," I murmured under my breath but Hans caught it and shot me a death-glare. "Not ready to make jokes about it yet? Okay." I hummed under my breath, tapping my chin in thought.

"What about...Nozo?"

Hans repeated, puzzled at the suggestion. "No...zo?"

"It's short for Nozomi, a Japanese name. I think it's cute."

"Don't tell me you're an anime fanatic."

I jut my chin out and gave him a tight-lipped smile. "Got a problem with that?"

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