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(Gladion's point of view)

"How? How did you defeat me with only one pokemon?" I yelled out in frustration. Hau, who had been lost in thought, called, "You said my name?" I shook my head and started to walk back to shore. I was drenched. "Questions word, Hau." I replied to his idiotic statement. Upon reaching shore, (y/n) held a hand out to me. I refused it, but she grabbed my wrist anyways. You're a tricky rival, you know that? It's always difficult. Guess that's why it's fun. "Come on, grumpy. Let's go get you some clothes. And you know you want to take that apology gift now," she teased. Really? I'm being teased?

"So what type of things do you like wearing?" She asked. (Y/n) looked at me with her piercing  (e/c) eyes. "Take a wild guess. It's not hard," I responded. It's really not. "Point made. Black and emo," she murmured. "I'm not emo," I moaned. "You sure?" She laughed. I rolled my eyes and kept walking. "I thought you were smart. Did you not notice that we're holding hands?" Wait, what? I thought she was gripping my wrist.  I noticed she was holding my hand and I immediately tried to shake her off. Her grip tightened and she wouldn't let go. "Come on, we both know 'it's not like you like me or anything.' That's you. That's what you sound like," she joked. Spot on. It's not like I like her or anything... Crap.

(Y/n) picked up various pieces of clothing in many colours. "I know most of these aren't your style, but try it anyway." She passed my a large pile of different clothes. I sighed and reluctantly walked into the changing rooms. There's no winning with her. I ended up trying on shorts, tops, shoes and jackets that range from navy blue to white. After all that, she just ended up buying me similar clothes to the ones I already had. "Why did you make me do that if we just bought similar clothes?" I asked. For fun. "For fun! Also, red is nice on you. Goes with your eyes," she complimented. "Try it sometime." I waved goodbye as I left to go home. "See you in a few days. I plan to challenge you again," I called as a charziard flew me home.

*three day time skip brought to you by red and black. Black and yellow*

I walked up to the reigning champion of Alola once more. She wore more professional clothing and her (h/c) hair was tied up in a bun. "You know, I actually put in effort to be here. Usually other people chill here until I decided to come in," she mumbled. She got out of her chair and stretched. "So you took my advice? I told you red looks good on you," she complimented. I had decided to wear a red hoodie, as per her advice. "Don't get me wrong. Black is good, too. Black and red is good on you. Anyway, let's get this thing started." I smirked and let out Silvally. "What does a Pokémon Trainer really need to be successful? I guess everyone has their own answer. But for me... I want the strongest rival for myself," I said before initiating the battle.

*after the battle*

How? Again? Just how? "All I have to avoid doing is making any more mistakes... After all, I have Silvally with me." I murmured. I shook (y/n)'s hand. "Losing can teach you a lot, you know. I learn a lot from it... Losing just helps you see how to get stronger. So I'm glad we did this. That I had a champion to help me get stronger," I thanked. (Y/n)'s face lit up with joy. She also appeared to be on the verge of laughter. "You're glad?" She repeated. I nodded. "This is comical. But also really sweet. I'm glad that you're glad," she replied. I nodded and was about to take my leave.

"Wait," she called. I turned around and faced (y/n). What could she possibly want now? Usually she just lets me leave... "You're going to beat one day. You're going to become the champion of Alola. Eventually, pokemon reach a point were their strength remains stagnant. At that point, it'll be a back and fourth for the title of champion. Until then, I'm going to defend my title. Until then, may the tapus guild you." She handed me a silver necklace. Dangling at the end of it was a sun and a moon.

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