The Boys Secrets

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Once Ivy was back in her office she entered all the data about Harry's uncle into the system before starting to dig up more information on the boys.

She decided to do some research online before she brought the boys in for a talk.

It wasn't long before she found what she was looking for. There were many articles involving the boys all over the internet. More specifically, there were articles on how the boys neglected children in their care; how they had left children on their own, how children in their care had gotten hurt and how the boys had forgotten to feed them on numerous occasions.

There was a woman named Lou who had left her daughter with the boys on a day off and the boys allegedly never fed her. It was also said that the boys didn't change the little girl's diaper and that they had gone out without her.

Security had found the one year old girl on her own, in a soiled nappy and extremely hungry. Apparently, the security team had to look after a lot of the children that the boys were supposed to be looking after in the past as the boys made no time to care for them.

Yes, the boys had busy schedules but it didn't give them the right to just abandon kids that they were entrusted with.

Ivy wondered how none of this had ever shown up when the boys had fostered Harry.

Surely Sadie wasn't cruel enough to let the little boy go to a place like that.

Then again, Sadie did send him to go to a group home that had horribly neglected him. Ivy looked over all the information she had found on the boys.

She wondered how the boys were still allowed to care for children with all the neglect they had on the system.

Perhaps they had really good lawyers who found some loop-holes or got all of this stuff buried, but it had surfaced now. It was her job to look into this and she was going to make sure that she didn't make any mistakes.

Ivy knew that this investigation had to be done surreptitiously as she didn't want it to get out to the public. If this information was incorrect in any way it could damage the boy's reputation indefinitely.

Even though her job was to protect Harry, she was not one to cause trouble and accuse others without all the facts or indefinite proof.


Ivy rang up Liam and asked him if the boys would be willing to come to her office first thing in the morning to talk about some things that had come up and that needed to be discussed quite urgently.

Liam tried to ask her what it was about over the phone but Ivy said that it was too sensitive to talk about over the phone.

Once Liam was off the phone he looked at the other boys worriedly.

"What's up, Li?" Zayn asked, "Who was that?"

"That was Ivy from the adoption agency," Liam replied quietly, "she asked to see us first thing tomorrow, says it's important and can't be discussed over a phone call."

"Did she say what it was about?" Niall asked.

"No, but it didn't sound good," Liam said, "She said it was very sensitive and she didn't sound very happy on the phone. I don't think this meeting tomorrow is going to be about anything good."

"I bet it's about us being able to take Harry home," Louis said, not knowing how wrong he was.

The boys were going to be in for a very bad morning in Ivy's office the next day.


How do you think the boys are going to find tomorrow? I know some chapters are shorter than others but that's due to how the chapter comes to a natural stop and to go on to the next important bit in the next chapter.

Thank you to @1DIrishGirl5 and @Asensky for helping me with this chapter as writing about stuff like that for the boys is hard and I don't believe in that kind of stuff, hope that makes sense.

I'm dedicating this chapter to @InvisibleSoul24 she knows why :)

Hope you enjoy the chapter :)


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