Dear diary,
I am suddenly in Mario kart 8, with lots of karts all around me, and Mario and Luigi talking to each other.
So it started outside my dream, when my mum told me angrily to go to bed and sleep but I ignored her and played my Nintendo switch on low volume so mum can't hear me playing games.
I was so tired, I closed my eyes and suddenly I was inside a very dusty kart. WHAT THE HELL!
So I woke up from my crazy dream then my mum saw my with my hands locked onto the Nintendo switch. "You are BUSTED!" screamed mum.
Well there is now a lot of explaining I have to do.
Oh Man!
"Come on stop it mum" I said with my hands still holding the switch and tears all around my creepy face. "No, you are grounded from your Nintendo switch and WII U sir!"
Well that's it folks!
I want peace for once and for ALL!!!

Mario kart dream!
Short StoryA boy called Harry, was a Mario kart master until he was in a dream where Mario kart came to life. It is time to hop in the world of karts! (Like what Mario says) Let's a gooooo!