That night

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Jeff's POV

As i was leaving megan's house she warned me about this area not being safe at night. I smirked and said "I think I'll be fine" she seemed to blush for a second but went back to her normal skin tone and i waved and she closed the door.

Later that night around 11-12 i went back to her house and saw her light upstairs turn off so i waited an hour to make sure she was asleep. When i came back the lights were still off so i decided to go in and check around, I heard a noise and decided to check it out. I walked into her room and found Toby standing over her getting ready to swing his hatchet at her. I grabbed his hatchet and dragged him out the window.

"What the hell Jeffy" He said in a sad and amused voice.

"You can't kill this one, There's a high probability she's the new proxy" I said trying not to punch him in the face.

"Oh sorry bro, well, im gonna go find a new kill then. See ya" He waved and went on his way. I went back in and found Megan still sleeping.

She looked so peaceful. The way the moonlight loomed over her, i looked for any signs that would lead me to how she could be the proxy. I went to gently move a strand of hair out of her face and i felt like i got shocked. She instantly sat up and looked around, I was fast enough to hide before she saw me. She looked in me direction and i held my breath hoping she didn't see me, she sighed and laid back down. I let out a sigh of relief and waited til i knew she was asleep and snuck out the window.

When i got home i got tackled by Smile, I patted him on the head and got up and let him out to feed. I took a shower and Went to sleep...

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