Chapter One ~ Breakups and Manipulation

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Monday 9pm

Natalie's POV
The rain pounding on my revealed chest, the wind cooling the dampened areas of my skin, tears that are no longer full of joy but instead pain dripping down my face uncontrollably. My mind that was once full of clarification now left confused, was I not good enough for him? Did I do something wrong? Several questions left unanswered; left for me to constantly regret anything I ever did.

Breakups, they're often hard. But this one, it was different I was completely and utterly in love with Ashton Woods. Our relationship was amazing, well at least I thought. In my opinion everything was perfect, we were happy, we spent basically everyday together; We were inseparable. Yet something went wrong, maybe I was blinded by my love for him? Or maybe I was just mislead? Ashton in the past tended to be one of those misleading guys, yet for me he changed. I should have known really, once a bad boy always a bad boy. They never change however, for some reason I thought he had.

Go ahead, call me a fool. If you'd have experienced the love we had, you'd have known exactly why I was blinded. He was charming to say the least, always complimenting my appearance and humour. He knew what he was doing, but yet I didn't even suspect a thing, in fact I thought he was perfect. Reminiscing on the past memories together is all I have left to do, I no longer have his love, I walked out of our relationship with nothing; absolutely nothing. Yet he did gain something, a piece of my heart which I gave him so easily.

"For fuck sakes!"

I screamed as looked down onto the swiftly moving river beneath the metal structured bridge. For some reason that's all that would leave my mouth, I had no expression at all, I had only anger filled words.

My chest, it hurt. My deepened breaths became more raspy as the cold found its way to my lungs, striking each and every breath even more painful. I inhaled deeply regaining any sense of control possible, it was pointless, yet I tried my hardest. Thoughts of my past with Ashton crept on my mind making my heart fill with agony. My usual composed self was now left distraught, empty, alone.


I turned round to catch a glimpse of my best friend, her silky chestnut hair glided down her collarbone area gracefully as her fur hood covered the roots.

"Oh, Maria it's you" My expression seemed cold, I instantly regretted it.

"Natalie, what's wrong"

I breathed in sharply, the moment those words left her mouth, I wanted to break down so badly; so I did just that.

"Maria, Ashton broke up with me!" My voice echoed through the rainy night. I glimpsed toward Maria who now stood with her mouth gawking open.

I really want to punch her in the fucking face when she pulls that stupid expression.

"Nat, you can't be serious"

Her tone was rather saddened, it made me feel bad. Even though she gives my head a run over, I've got to admit she's one of the most comforting and composed people I've ever known. She's my best friend.

"I am, he came and talked to me earlier. He didn't even give me an explanation!"

"What an ass he is, you deserve better than him Nat! Girl, he's a dick"

"Maria, I'm so confused. I did everything I could to make him happy, where did I go wrong?"

"Don't you dare blame yourself for this Natalie! You did nothing wrong, in fact you loved him with every ounce of love your body had to give"

her expression of sadness had now faded, her eyes looked filled with anger. Her tone was sharp, that was what I loved about her, she never hid her emotions. She was always so comforting and understanding of my feelings. Right now, she was the only thing keeping me grounded.

"I can't help it, everything inside hurts. All I'm thinking is what I could have done differently and if he still would have been around"

The truth, right now I just feel empty.

"Gosh, you don't even realise what you're saying. You were beyond amazing to Ashton, he was a jerk Nat! He made you stop talking to one of your best friends because they were a male!"

She's right, he was a jerk when it came to stuff like that.

"It just hurts, so god damn much Maria. I loved him, I still do"

Every part of me was screaming, my emotions were all over. I was angry, sad, tired and remorseful all at the same time. I wanted to just drop to the ground and cry, cry until there was nothing left of me. I spent two years with him, two years for fucking nothing.

"Of course you still love him, you were with him for over two years. Feelings like that don't just disappear. It will take time"

I hate how she's always fucking right.

"You're right..."

"Of course I am, I wouldn't lie to you"

"Ugh, I hate him Maria, I hate him!"

I screamed out loudly letting out my pain that I've sheltered throughout the day. Anger, it ran through my veins all I wanted to do was curse, shout, scream just anything.

Maria's expression changed, she looked down. I stood in silence letting the rain drop down onto me, I had nothing to be concerned about, at least I thought I didn't. Maria came towards me opening her arms widely, she dragged me into a hug as she rubbed my back.

"Everything's going to be okay, Nat. I promise, I'll be here for you" She whispered into my ear lightly as my tears dropped onto her shoulder.

"Thank you for being an amazing friend, ria"

"You don't need to thank me, I'm always here for you. You're my best friend no matter what"

Why is this bitch so good?

"I know you will be, I'll always be here for you too"

We stood in silence for a few minutes, everything was finally calming down. Well, that was until a blazing pair of car headlights came speeding our way...

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