Chapter Two ~ By chance or by fate?

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Natalie's POV
The lights sped towards us, my heart began pounding rapidly deep in my chest. I was unable to move, stuck in the same god damn spot. Everything went in slow motion, the screeching breaks of the black pristine car, the bright lights flashing on and off as a warning, the sound of the horn beeping over and over. Seconds turned to what felt like minutes, it was all absurd.

"Natalie MOVE!"

The sounds of my best friend screaming rang through my ears, I knew what was happening, yet I was completely frozen. The only way to explain it was like being paralysed.

Just when I thought it was over, the car stopped swiftly. I inhaled deeply as Maria ran over to me, yet I still couldn't speak or anything.

"Nat, what the hell?! You could have died!"

Drama queen, the driver wasn't gonna just run me over...

Just as I thought I'd finally be able to get my words out, the driver stepped out of the car leaving me once again completely speechless. His leather jacket clung to his biceps tightly, showing off every individual bulging muscle on his perfectly sculptured body. His tight black t-shirt also fitted tightly making me gawk in utter silence. His firm six pack stood out as he began to strut toward me, his trousers also fitted him nicely showing off something that also looked a little bigger down in the trouser department; I was stunned.

This man is a complete fucking god. Holy shit here come the dirty thoughts..

"Hey, you! What the hell? Why were you just standing there!?"

"Um I'm sorry sir, my friend Nat she's just going through a tough time-"

"Listen, if I didn't see you I could have seriously injured you or nearly killed you, and you can't even apologise?"

"Um, I'm.... I'm sorry"

For fuck sakes, why am I so awkward around all the hot guys?

"Psh, whatever. I hope whatever's bothering you gets better soon"


Oh my god, I'm totally blushing..

Just as quick as our conversation started, it ended. He walked back towards his black, expensive car and slammed the door shut loudly. He switched on his engine and flashed the headlights before roaring off into the night leaving me gobsmacked.

I finally was able to move, Maria dragged me swiftly to the pavement and looked at me fiercely. Her eyes had a hint of relief in them as she glared at me, not taking her eyes off of me for a second.

"Are you completely crazy?!"

"Ria, I literally couldn't do anything. My body wouldn't allow me to move"

"Seriously Nat, you need to stop putting yourself in dangerous situations, you're making me feel like your mother"

"Stop being such a drama queen, Ria"

"You almost give me a heart attack! Never do that again"

"Yeah, yeah okay"

Sigh, I just want this night to be over already.

"Let's get you home before you decide to do anything else dangerous tonight"

The next day

I woke up to the sunlight blazing through my curtains, the sounds of the birds rang through my ears loudly making me want to scream. My head was pounding as I dragged myself out of the silky bedsheets, the coldness of the air smacked me in the face as I proceeded to put on my fluffy slippers.

I walked towards the mirror, mentally preparing myself for the sight I was about to see. I reached the mirror and stared in silence, I looked different. My hair that normally had a silky shine to it looked dull, my eyes were layered with smudged mascara and puffiness to match it perfectly; I looked a mess. Maybe this was karma for staying out late and having a sleepless night?

I need a bloody shower, I'm a fucking mess.

I proceeded toward the bathroom when I heard a loud bang coming from downstairs.


"What's wrong mom?!"

I hate when she does this, I swear I get a mini heart attack each time

"Nothing sweetie, just dropped the pan!"

Pointless bullshit, yet she screams like a banshee.

"Um... okay?"

I shake it off as I reach the bathroom. I locked the door behind me and looked down onto my phone in the palm of my hands. Secretly, I was hoping for a text from Ashton but instead I find, nothing.

-0 messages-

It's things like this that switch your emotions back on, just the simplest of things. My heart shattered once again, the tears streamed down my face again, the pain struck me again. It all hit me fast and hard. Someone who was your everything was now your nothing and you could do nothing to prevent that, instead you had to cope with it, cope with the pain. My hands ball into fists as my emotions rise, I smash them down onto the counter and scream.

"Why, why me and Ashton?!"

My breath becomes short once again, I loose control once again. My mind now full with thoughts of anger, pity and shame. I regret it, spending over two years with him, giving my heart to him for him to shatter it so quickly. Did he even care about my feelings?

Probably not, I'm alone in all of this...

Love, it makes you this way. It blinds you. When you love you feel so powerful, like nothing can hurt you as long as your with that certain person. But just as quick as you love, you heart gets broken just as quick leaving you vulnerable to the truth, the hard and cold reality. You're no longer with that person.

Don't think about it, just get in the shower and prepare yourself.

The cold water dropped onto my face as I quickly began to clean the damp rain smell off of my body, my hair dropped droplets of water as I brushed it away from my eyes. My eyes stung in pain as the water dripped gently upon them, the swelling was immense from all of the tears I shed. The puffiness from my sleepless night didn't help either, it probably made it a lot worse actually.

I stepped out of the shower, grabbing my towel quickly and making my way back into my light filled bedroom. I grabbed my purple silk pyjamas and flung them onto my body, the coldness was a pain in the ass.

"Natalie, someone's at the door for you!"

Who the hell's at the door for me? I seriously don't want to see anyone.

I made my way down the staircase like a snail, slow, motionless and bored. However, nothing could have prepared me for what I saw at the bottom.


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