Relapse - Part 1

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Thanks for all the love on The Wedding! I apologize in advance for my shitty, completely not-creative chapter titles ._.

So, there was supposed to be a chapter between The Wedding and this one, but it just felt meh when I tried writing it to the point where I didn't wanna write it anymore, so I'll leave you guys with a summary of the timeline so you're not confused. :) (And if something doesn't add up, do let me know! ♥)

Timeline: About 6-7 years after the wedding; Eren's in his late twenties, Levi in his early thirties. They've moved into their first house together, too. Two or so years after they got married, they adopted a daughter. Her name is Charlotte, and here she's 4. Eren's in school currently working toward his Master's degree. Levi still works at Reiner's shop. Alex and Reiner loaned them money when they were adopting that they're still saving up to pay back.  


The moment he saw the man walk through the front door, Levi felt his heart drop into his stomach. It wasn't a face he ever thought he'd see again - that washed out skin, clearly once dark and smooth; those dark-rimmed, faded hazel eyes; head lacking any hair; a horrible, hideous scowl plastered permanently into his rough features.

He'd come in only for a touch-up on something that was clearly over a decade old. Something tribal, Levi remembered, on the back of his forearm that he'd never noticed before - like he'd even been paying attention back then. He talked throughout the whole session in that rough voice that was evidently damaged by all the chain smoking he did, and he reeked of the stuff; Levi found himself having to hold his breath in intervals as he worked, doing his best to keep his cool. Any response he offered was short and quick if he didn't ignore him altogether.

He asked about the photo of the little girl on the desk, and Levi wondered why he didn't turn him away. He asked how long he'd been married, and Levi couldn't understand why he'd only accepted the commission to avoid suspicion, and why he even moderately cared about keeping this man away from suspecting eyes.

But when he found the crisp card between two of the twenties he'd accepted as payment, it hit him.

A business card, made to look like it was for a repair service with a fake phone number - anyone who knew was aware the last four digits were in backwards order. Simple, but it was enough to stump anyone who didn't know better.

It explained the sly smirk he'd left Levi with on his way out. It said 'call me if you need anything' in a different kind of way. Gritting his teeth, Levi pocketed it with the money, forgetting it for the moment.


Levi walked into the house that night utterly exhausted. It was his seventh day in a row working, making up for Eren's lack of income while he was in school. Fortunately that night Charlotte was staying with Alex, giving Levi a night to relax without an energetic child running around his feet. He hung his keys and shuffled upstairs to change into pajamas before shuffling around the kitchen for something to eat. Settling for a rerun of Criminal Minds, he sat down to eat.

It was nearly ten o'clock before Eren sauntered in, looking as tired as Levi felt as he was curled up on one end of the couch waiting for his husband to come home. Eren hadn't even noticed him until he stood up, stretching.

"Hey," Levi mumbled through a yawn.

"Oh. Hey," Eren said, barely even sparing a smile. "How was your day?" he asked, coming to peck Levi on the lips before heading for the stairs.

"Exhausting," Levi said, following him. "Yours?"

"The same," Eren sighed.

Levi plopped onto the end of the bed while Eren went for a shower. Once he was out, he didn't bother to eat, saying he grabbed a snack from the cafe at school, and they curled up together, the event from earlier all but forgotten.

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