Chapter 2 ~Dakota's POV ~

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"Hey Dakota! You're a little early don't you think?" Shelby, my boss, the owner of the dinner I work at, says while walking toward the front door from where she parked her car. I am sitting on a street bench looking straight at the front of the dinner where I work. I have my earbuds in listening to music while working like normal. Monster by Skillet is on blast. The only reason I know Shelby is there is because she wears this strong perfume that you could smell from a mile away.
Shelby is a slim, 26 year old female at her prime. She has flawless curly copper hair and vivid blue eyes like oceans. She is always complaining about failed relationships that she somehow always finds a way to blame on her small assets. She is as flat as a board all the way down. It's sort of funny watching her run around complaining about girls with bigger assets and how they somehow get all the guys. She always makes jokes out of everything so I enjoy the little interactions we have.
I pause my music and turn to her, giving a friendly smile.
"You and that book are inseparable. Say, what's in it anyway?" She says with a curious look and sheepish smile. She is tired just as I am.
"Sorry, it's private" I say and put it away.
"Oh, I see, Dakota. I always knew you read smut but I didn't know you wrote it." She says refering to the joke she started with me during my first week.
She could have asked about anything. She could have even asked about my journal on any other day and I wouldn't have found it so weird but why today? Why the day right after I start looking into the dealths of 14 men? Something here doesn't seem right.
"Hey Shelby? Odd question." I say trying to hide my suspicion. "Where'd you say you were from again?" I ask.
"Wisconsin. Why?" She turns to face me.
"I just wanted to write you into my story, so I was doing some fact checking" I lie, she flases me a smile.
"Alright but you better not be my love interest. That would make this boss, employee relationship quite odd" she adds with alittle chuckle and continues to flip through her keys looking for the one to the door.
"What town in Wisconsin? Your love interest will be form there and I promise I will not be your love interest." I ask adding chuckles to sound more normal even though I was, am and will never be normal.
"Milwaukee, Wisconsin" she pauses soon as she realizes I was paying attention. I watch her eyebrows fall in the reflection on the front glass door. She looks as if she is walking on eggshells.Oh how I LOVE my ability to read body language.
"Alright, time for work." She says attempting to cover up slight worry in her voice.
"Yep. Yep." I say and diving into the kiction. I quickly write Shelby Gonzalez from Milwaukee, Wisconsin into my journal. After work I'll figure out what the hell is going on.


Once I get home I get straight work. I start looking for similarities through the lives of each of the men. The frist 8 crime scenes are now cleaned up and the police are gone so, I could go to get some readings done but I have done that before and found nothing.
I decide to look through my journal. I remember the strange greeting I got this morning as I get to the sticky note I put in my journal this morning, Shelby Gonzalez from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I have only been working for Shelby for a little more a month, and I don't really know her that well but this morning was all sorts of odd.
I start my search on a website I have grown to love to use. It has a database of all the public archives for most cities. I type in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in the person search and put Shelby's name in the person box. No one named Shelby has lived there in the last 80 years.
Finally out of pure curiosity, I click death certificates and start scrolling through. About two and a half pages in, I find her name on a death certificate. Everything seems right except the dates. It says she was born on July 18, 1876 and that she died 26 years later on August 7, 1902. I look at the picture of the deceased and sure enough it's her. This can't be right. She is only 26 not 141!
"Damn" I mumble. "I should have known this would be weird." I mumble again to myself. I click cause of death and it says she was murdered. Back slashed deep in multiple stops and heart riped out. Whatever killed her wanted to make it hurt. It also states that her murder was never solved which shortens the list of things she could be but it brings up a few  questions. Is she 141 or did she really die then get brought back? If so, how? What is she? What is she doing in Missouri if she died in Wisconsin? How am I going to take care of her? Does she know I'm on to her now? Maybe she is the one that killed all those men. Maybe she is the thing that stole my family. Either way, I need to talk to her, soon.
I pick up my phone and check the time, 10:45p.m. Where did all the time go? I get ready for bed, throwing a baggy t-shirt over top my slim torso and average chest as a night gown. I put my journal in the top drawer of my nightstand and put my hair up in a messy bun. I lie down beginning my nightly route of staring at the ceiling until I fall asleep.
Whatever tomorrow holds, I hope I'm ready.

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