Chapter 4 ~ Dakota's POV ~

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When I finally arrive at the library I find that it's closed and won't be opening till tomorrow afternoon. Instead of being the good law abiding citizen that most people would be, I started to look through my satchel for my lock pick. Yes, I keep a lock pick on me, they come in handy.

I walk around back to the employee door and start picking, a few moments pass until I hear the lovely click of the door. I am in. I walk over to the community computers and after searching for the data base I need to get in, it occurs to me that I am looking threw the wrong computer without the necessary things. I need music! I grab my phone out and bring up IHeartRadio. I play My Darkest Days radio and get back to work. As Bully by Shinedown begins, I dance my way over to librarians computer. I manage to not trip over anything because I can see very well even in the pitch black. People that I've told think it's odd but I've been able to see in the dark since the demon came for my family. "They're dead, I killed them myself"  His voice echos through my head. They are alive, not dead. 

The librarian is pretty cool, she has the books in sections by age, then genre, and then she puts them in alphabetical order. This truly helps when I am researching the supernatural but today I'm looking through the local records, for any information that could help lead to the killing of the thing responsible.

I flip on the computer and as I thought would happen there's a password. The woman that guards the books as she like to put it, is so forgetful. She'd probably forget to eat if her body didn't tell her to, but because of this forgetfulness, she writes everything down, even her passwords. I don't know the woman that well but I think her name is Sarah. I decide that they'd be, assuming they're here, in the filing cabinet and my assumption is proven correct as I find a file labeled Passwords. She really shouldn't leave them all in one place like that but I am definitely not complaining. I see a sticky note that explains itself;

My Computer Password:


Of course that's the password. That my fine friends is a spectacular example of a weak password. I log on and find the database I was looking for, and quickly allow my laptop to have remote access to it. This database gives me access to all the local records from this town and surrounding towns. I'll also be able to request files from other towns. This is the best thing in the long run so I don't have to continue breaking in here every time something strange happens around here. I check my laptop to make sure the program is working and it runs faster on my laptop than on the computer. 

I log out of the computer and go to the section of the library you could usually find me, the oldest spot. I grab a lore book and stuff it in my satchel, then I'm gone.


In my 1968 Dodge Charger, which is painted black and holds my essentials for survival in the trunk, I listen to When I'm Gone by 3 Doors Down. I love this car with all my heart. Definitely more than any human interactions I have. The only people I talk to now are other hunters. My friend Bobby, for whom I met while he was looking into the disappearance of my family and the death of Jasmine's. He's the one that taught me the ropes and the basics of hunting. He taught me how to fight and how to keep myself from dieing during a hunt. I learned how to deal with the lose of my folks and how to focus on getting them back. "They're dead, I killed them myself..."  The demons voice cuts threw my thoughts. They aren't dead that was just a nightmare nothing more, nothing less.

"a messy job if I  do say so myself..."

A nightmare...

I glance at my wrists and the bruising is completely gone. How? I don't heal that fast.  I am completely puzzled by this but at least that means I can go to work tomorrow.

"I cut them into pieces and then threw them away like the trash they were."  

Last night was just a terrible nightmare,

but then again, 

what if it wasn't?

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