How Did All This Happen? Chapter One!

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Chapter 1

  I often wonder how all this happened.  How I ended up in the contryside far from the tiny apartment I live in with my brothers and parents, how I finally got my dream that seemed impossible a few months ago and how I ended up with the boy of my dreams? Well I guess I should start at the beginning...........

'Ayla can you come hear for a minute?' Sarah McNamara called down the the small hallway. 'Coming!' I replied throwing my Horse And Rider magazine onto the blue bedspread. I gently raised myself from the bed, opened the door and padded down through the small, cramped hallway to the kitchen. Daniel and Elliot were already sitting at the table, red faced and breathless from running from the park across the road and running up the seven flights of stairs to our apartment.

Daniel is fourteen, he is in second year, he is really funny and kind (most of the time!). He has dark brown hair that is the same as every other fourteen year old boy's hair cut, it's sort of short not bald but relatively short and he has dark hazel eyes to match his hair. Daniel is mad into Gaelic and is amazing, he plays hurling too but Gaelic is his thing.

Elliot is eleven, he is in fifth class, he is really cute and funny. His hair is light brown, kinda the same style as Daniel. He has green eyes like Dad. Elliot is mad into hurling and is really good. He plays Gaelic too but he prefers hurling.

'It smells good in here what's for dinner?' I asked taking a big sniff of the scented air. 'I thought we would have pizza and skinny chips for dinner to celebrate.' Mam replied. Our favourite! 'What do we have to celebrate?' Elliot gasped, still trying to catch his breath. 'Wait till your dad gets home' Mam replied grinning. 'Ah Mam!' we all wailed to unison. 'When will dinner be ready Mam?' Daniel asked. 'I'm starving!' 'Oh Daniel your always hungry!' Mam laughed ruffling his hair. 'I know! Watch the hair it takes forever to get right!' grinned Daniel. 'It will be ready in about ten minutes, okay?' giggled Mam. 'Okay!' Daniel called as he ran down the hall to his room.

Mam is quite tall, she has light brown hair with auburn highlights that comes just past her shoulders. She is a primary school teacher and she teaches third and fourth class in the school Elliot goes to, which Daniel and I went to aswell. She is a very good and kind teacher. She is a really cool, young and kind mother and she never gives out. She's always really calm whenever something goes wrong. We are lucky to have such calm, young mother.

I didn't bother going back to my room because I knew Dad always comes home on time. I sat at the small wooden table that only has four chairs. There is not enough room to have another chair in terms of space. So one of us (the children) has to sit on a foldable stool. And whenever there are visitors we have to eat in the sitting room.

Suddenly I heard Dad's shoes tapping up the wooden stairs to our apartment. 'Dad's home!' I called to Mam who was in the adjoining, tiny sitting room doing the ironing. 'Okay, will you call the boys back from their room?' 'Yeah I'll call them now.' I answered. 'Boys Dads home, come for dinner.' I called down the small hallway. 'Coming!' Answered the boys. Dad flung opened the door with a big smile. 'Hello Dad!' I laughed as he wrapped me in a big bear hug. 'Hello pumpkin!' He replied merrily. 'How was work?' I asked as I beg a to set the table. 'It was really good! Lots of exciting clients and problems today. I'm learning so much from Giovanni.' He replied.

Dad works as the vets assistant Giovanni in his surgery in the city. Dad loves his job. Dad is quite tall with hazel eyes and light brown hair. Dad is also very kind and caring. He is always joking and messing and he loves all of us.

The boys walked into the room and sat down at the table. 'Hi Dad.' They greeted him as he ruffled their hair. 'Hello boys. Still up to mischief?' He laughed. 'Of course!' Daniel giggled. 'Come on lads sit down for dinner' Grinned Mam. They all sat down. 'Whats this big news you were talking about?' asked Daniel. 'Oh yeah' we all agreed. 'LEMONADE!' Elliot cried excitedly. 'Yes I bought some for the big occasion' Mam answered while picking up a slice of pizza. 'So?' We all asked looking expectantly at Mam and Dad. 'Okay we'll tell you.' Teasing us by saying it slowly. 'Come on!' We all cried in desperation. 'Fine, we're moving to the countryside!' Mam and Dad cried excitedly. 'Yes!!!!!!' We all cried excitedly.

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