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There is a relatable thing at the bottom of this message. Scroll down if you don't want to hear this :)

     Recently, I haven't been posting often on any of my stories, and that's because it's nearing the end of the year. Currently, I'm starting up quite a few after school activities that take up a lot of my time. Homework and studying are slowing down some, but they still take up time that I could be using to post on here.

     My school year ends on June 9, which is in less than a month, thank god. I might not be able to post that day or the day after because I'm going out with my friends to celebrate the school year ending. Until probably June 10-11, I will be posting at the same rate I am now.

     Also, on May 19 and May 20, I have an end of the year party at my school with the rest of my grade. That will take up my afternoon, so I can't post that day. After the party, my mom and I will drive together to a hotel for a writing conference, because I won a competition for my school. The actual conference doesn't happen until the 20th, but it takes a while to drive so we wanted a head start.

     After the school year ends, my posting schedule will hopefully pick up and I'll be able to update my stuff regularly. I will also add in a sneak peek for one of my newer books in probably the next chapter.

Finally ready to relate?

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When your sibling tries to wake up before you so they can take your iPad before you, and then run away to hide it somewhere in the basement.

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