The Beginning

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I can't believe I just did could I just kiss her?? What was I thinking?? I just ruined everything. Alex thought as she stormed out of the alien bar. I just kissed Maggie, and she rejected me. Alex went straight back to her apartment and began to drown herself in alcohol.

*2 days later*

Alex is still in her apartment. She hasn't left or even moved from the couch. She's stopped crying but she is still deeply upset that Maggie doesn't like her back. She's about to go to the bathroom when she hears a little knock on the door. Alex wasn't sure if she should answer, so instead she ignored it. That's when she heard it.

"Danvers. It's me, Maggie. Please let me in. We should talk," Maggie spoke softly.

Alex wasn't sure what to do. She didn't think she could face Maggie or even think about talking about the embarrassing moment they last shared. But Alex put on her strong DEO interrogation face and opened the door. Her eyes met Maggie's and her heart fluttered. Alex still had all of those feelings for Maggie but she tried not to show it.

"You just gonna stand there, or are you gonna let me in?" Maggie said with light in her voice.

"Right....sorry," Alex mumbled as she stepped aside to let Maggie in.

Maggie went straight inside and onto the couch, waiting for Alex to join her.

"I've been thinking a lot about that night at the bar," Maggie started. "and I think I made a horrible decision. I was scared."

Alex had a concerned look on her face. "You were scared?"

" came in that night and you kissed me. And....I wasn't ready for that. I wasn't ready to admit the feelings I knew I had for you." Maggie spoke softly. "But these past few days, not hearing from you, not seeing you, not being able to hear your made me miserable. I finally understand and admit all of these feeling that I have for you."

Alex couldn't believe what she was hearing. "So you're saying what, exactly?" Alex asked looking deeply into Maggie's eyes. "I'm saying I like you too Danvers." Maggie said smiling uncontrollably.

Maggie cupped Alex's cheeks and ever so softly kissed her lips. Alex gladly returned the favor by grabbing Maggie's hips and pulling her in close, deepening the kiss as Maggie let out a soft moan. And that's when it hit her...

This was all a fantasy.

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