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"Maggie Sawyer was shot."

Alex couldn't move. Her phone fell from her cheek, crashing into the ground. She felt numb.

"Alex?!" Kara screamed, rushing towards her. "Alex? Hey, look at me! Alex? What's wrong?" Kara said grabbing Alex's face, trying to get her attention.

"M-Ma-" was all Alex could get out. "What is it? Maggie?" Kara asked. All Alex could manage was a small nod, telling Kara something had happened to Maggie. Kara immediately assumed Maggie was at the hospital and picked up Alex, flying her straight to the hospital as fast as possible.

Once they reach the hospital doors, Alex feels reality setting in and rushing inside. "Where is she?! Where's Maggie?" She frantically asked the nurses.

"Alex?" A young doctor says. "I'm Doctor Alexander. We spoke on the phone?" She said. "Where is she? What happened? I need to see her." Alex said, tears welling in her eyes.

"Maggie is currently in surgery. She was shot in the chest three times. Her injuries are extensive. I'm afraid we won't know much until after the surgery. And to be completely honest, we aren't sure she will survive the surgery given the circumstances. We are doing our best, but you may need to prepare yourself for the worst. I'm sorry Ms. Danvers." Dr. Alexander said touching Alex's shoulder.

Alex turns and faces Kara. Kara looks into her eyes and sees emptiness. Kara grabs her sister into a hug and Alex falls, sobbing into her sisters coat.

*A few hours later*

Alex and Kara have moved from the floor into the waiting room. Winn, James, J'onn, and Mon-el have all shown up as well. Alex has stopped crying but is still on the verge of tears. They all patiently wait for any news on Maggie's condition.

A door opens and Dr. Alexander emerges. Alex is instantly on her feet, rushing over towards her. "Did she make it? Is she okay? Please. I need to know." Alex says looking up at the doctor.

"Maggie made it through surgery. We were able to take out all of the shrapnel and get everything repaired properly. She is currently in the ICU. We'll need to monitor over the next couple of days just to be sure there aren't any complications." Dr. Alexander says with a smile. "Would you like to come see her?"

"Yes. Please." Alex pleaded. "I can only bring one person at a time. Is that okay?" The doctor asked. "Yes. That's perfectly fine." Kara stated. "We'll be out here waiting for you Alex. Go see her."

Alex turned towards Dr. Alexander and nodded, telling her to show her the way.

Alex arrived at Maggie's room. She walks inside and sees Maggie hooked up to all kinds of machines. She had a tube down her throat and wires coming from what seems like everywhere. Alex lets out a soft sob. She walks up to the bed, sitting in the chair next to her, grabbing her hand softly. "I'm here Mags. You're doing great. Okay? You're going to be just fine, alright?" Alex says with tears streaming down her face. She puts a small kiss onto Maggie's hand, and looks up at her face. "I'm right here babe. Come back to me." Alex says softly.

It's been a little over two hours since Alex went in to see Maggie and Alex refuses to leave her side. She still has a grip on Maggie's hand and is leaning her head onto the bed. Alex begins to fall asleep when she hears rapid beeping.

"We need a crash cart!" "Get her out of here!" "Page Dr. Alexander!" Is all Alex manages to hear as she is being pushed out of Maggie's room. Everything starts to fade and Alex begins to feel numb again.

*That night*

Alex is back in the waiting room with Kara by her side. She's been staring at the clock nonstop for the last three hours, waiting to hear anything about what was happening with Maggie.

Finally after another half hour, Dr. Alexander exits from the door making her way towards the sisters. Alex stands and meets her. "We took Maggie back in to surgery. It turns out one of the bullets shattered and a small piece of it was left inside of her. It was cutting into her heart, but our best cardiologist was able to remove the piece and repair her heart. Everything went very smoothly." She explained. "You're sure you got every piece this time?" Alex asked. "Yes we are. We took a couple of x-rays after the surgery to check. Everything checks out. She should wake up within the next day or so. You may go see her. She is in the same room." Dr. Alexander states and walks towards the nurses station.

Alex rushes up to Maggie's room. She enters and sees Maggie laying there just like before, only this time she looks sicker. Alex walks up to her and gives her a soft kiss on the forehead. She sits in the chair next to the bed and grabs Maggie's hand again. "Hey babe. I'm back." Alex whispers. "Everything is okay. You're okay." She says while moving Maggie's hair behind her ear. "I need you to come back to me okay? I can't do this without you. I don't know how I ever lived without you, but now that I've got you...I can't let you go." Alex cries. "I need you to come back to me." Alex pleaded. "I need to see your smile. I need to hear your voice. I need to look into your eyes and hold you in my arms again. I cannot live without you Maggie." Alex sobs as she buries her head into the bed.

The doctors come in a few hours later to take the tube out of Maggie throat. "She should wake up anytime now. When she does, please come get one of us." A nurse tells Alex.

Alex nods at the nurse and gives her attention to Maggie. She caresses her cheek and says, "Maggie. It's time to open your eyes. It's time to come back to me."

Alex is laying her head down on the bed slowly falling asleep when she feels Maggie's hand twitch. Alex jumps up and says, "Maggie? Can you open your eyes babe? Can you squeeze my hand?" There's not sudden response, but after a few seconds Maggie squeezes Alex's hand. Alex forms a huge smile on her face and reaches her hand up to Maggie's cheek. "Maggie? Hey. Can you open your eyes?" She says as she softly rubs her cheek. There's no movement.

After an hour passes with Alex trying to get Maggie conscious, she lays her head back down and starts to fall asleep. That's when she feels a hand gently stroking her face and hears, "Hey you."

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