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It was 3 in the morning and Alex had just woken up. She desperately looked around her entire apartment looking for anything that will tell her Maggie was there. But she couldn't find anything. She'd woken up to empty beer and whisky bottles on the table next to her. She sat with her head in her hands trying to hold back tears when her phone began to ring.

"Danvers" Alex mumbled.

"Alex? Are you okay? You haven't been at work for a week? That's not like you. What's going on?" Kara asked.

"I'm fine Kara. Just leave me alone. I'll come back when I'm ready." Alex hung up the phone and tossed it to the other end of the couch.

After sitting there for another couple hours she decided that maybe she should go to work. Alex got up and showered. When she finished getting dressed afterwards she grabbed what she needed and headed towards her door. She looked back at her apartment making sure she isn't leaving anything and then opened the door only to find....Maggie.

Alex looked and then looked away almost instantly, unsure of what she was really seeing. Could this really be Maggie? Am I dreaming again? This is real. "Maggie.....what are you doing here?" Alex asked not looking into Maggie's eyes.

"Kara called me. She said you haven't been at work for a while and she asked me to check up on you." Maggie said searching for Alex's eyes.

"Well I'm fine. I'm actually headed into work right now. So if you'd excuse me," Alex said as she walked past Maggie making sure not to touch her.

"Alex wait. Can we talk? We can meet at the bar, play some pool?" Maggie softly said.

Alex shut her eyes tightly and exhaled. "Sure."
Did I really just say that? It just came out. What did I just agree to? Oh no.

"Great. I'll see you tonight. At 7." Maggie said as she walked past Alex.

What did I just do? Alex thought as she slowly began to walk towards the stairwell of her apartment complex.

Alex finally arrived at the DEO and Kara was excited to see her sister. "Alex! You came! I've missed you. What's going on? Where have you been?" Kara said while embracing her older sister.

"I've just been home. I-I haven't been feeling well and I didn't want anyone else to catch it." Alex said while walking towards the monitors.

"Well did Maggie see you? I kinda asked her to go talk to you..." Kara said shyly.

"Yeah. I ran into her on my way over here. We talked briefly." Alex said getting softer with each word.

That's when she felt a hand on her arm, pulling her towards another room. "Kara. What are you doing? I need to be out there. Doing my job." Alex said with annoyance in her voice.

"That can wait. Tell me what is going on. Is something happening between you and Maggie? I know you feel things for her. Does she not feel the same way?" Kara said sweetly while pulling Alex's chin up to look into her eyes. Alex begins to sob leaning on her sister. Kara tightly holds onto Alex, letting Alex get it all out.

When Alex's sobs begin to cease, Kara lifts her head to meet Alex's eyes and wipes away her tears. "Everything will be okay Alex. I promise." Kara said truthfully.

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