Chapter 3: Lies

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I sit on the couch messing with my phone,my stomach growling. I ignore it. Suddenly my phone goes off. Vivi.

V: Sup
Me: Hey
V: Wanna come over and hang out for a bit? I can order pizza and get some ice cream 🍕
Me: Sure
V: Cool! I even got a horror movie to watch 👻 😈
Me: You know I hate those... 😭
V: Awwww come on! It'll be fun!
Me: Fine...
V: Yay! See ya soon
Me: See ya

I sigh as I get up and grab my jacket,phone,and purse. I put on my convers and walk out the door. As I walk towards her house,I imagine me buried in Vivi's arms. I blush at the thought. 'Should I just make a move?' I think to myself. My short orange hair fell in my face. I push it away. 'Maybe....maybe I should...' I think as I walk up to the door. I knock. I heard foot steps and some yelling.

"VIVI?! WHO IS AT THE DOOR?!" I hear a woman yell. I jump. "Its just my friend!" I hear Vivi yell back. 'Friend....that's all I'll ever be....' I think. The door suddenly swings open. "Hey!" she says and hugs me. "Hey..." I say. "You ok?" she asks. "Yeah I'm fine...." "You don't sound-" "I'm fine!" she looks at me and frowns. "Oh....ok then....come one. Lets go watch the movie..." she says. "Yeah....lets go..." I say.

We walk in side and sit on her couch. I could feel the tension in the room. She was silent....and pale. Did I scare her....? "Hey...I'm really sorry. I've just been.....stressed lately....." I apologize. She looked at me with raised eyebrows. She then was relaxed and smiled at me. "Its ok. I'm sorry you've been stressed....." she said,hugging me. It caught me by surprise. She always does that..... I smile and blush to myself as I hold her close. "Its fine. I'm used to it." I say. It was true. I'm always stressed.

She smiled and layed back,turning on the TV. "Shall we?" she said with a giggle. I sigh. "We shall....." I say. And with that,she started the movie,the exorcist.
                              * * *
"I hate you so much." I say. She giggled. I look down. 'Should I go for it...? Yes....I have to....' I think and turn to her. She looked at me. "Ya need something?" she asked me. I leaned in. She blushed. "Liv..." "Vivi...I love you." I say and kiss her. Her lips where warm and soft. Even sweet. I pull away. She looks at me. " you to...." She said and slammed her lips into mine. It felt.....nice.....

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