Chapter 6: Trying Something New

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"Vivi..." I say. "What? You want some?" She says,throwing it away and grabbing my waist. I blush. The stinging pain of ur hands squeezing my waist makes its way up to my neck,making the hair stand on end. Its felt....good... Like a shock of electricity...

Her breath. God it stinks. I couch. "What? Do i need a mint?" She asks,smiling. I smile and giggle. "Yes you do." I say and wrap my arms around the back of her neck. She sighs,and kisses my neck,sweetly. I blush. This is gonna be....different.

                              *  *  *
I wake up in her bed with my top off. I blush and try to remember what happened. "Morning sunshine." I hear Vivi say. I turn and see her in her bra. "Good afternoon." I say and giggle. She smiles and sits at the edge of the bed. "Something wrong?" I ask. She sighs and lays her head on my knees. "Chest pain." She says. "That's what happens when you smoke." I say. She smiles. "What is this? 8th grade health class?" She says. I giggle again.

She sighs and crawls up to meet my neck,letting her lips softly touch it. I blush. I love it when she does that. She breathes on it,teasing me. I put my hands on her waist. She smiles and i feel my face get hot.

"VIVIAN MARIE SANCHEZ! GET YOUR BUTT OUT HERE AND GET READY!" I hear her mom yell from the door. I quickly put on my shirt and she did the same. "What all happened last night?" I ask. She finishes putting on her shirt and buttons her pant. "Nothing bad. Don't worry. Just kinda like a heavy make out. Kinda." She says and smiles. "Ok. Good. Because i saving that for marriage." I say and blush.

"Oh. Ok. One of those people huh?" She asks. "Christian? Nah...well not exactly." I say. "Just don't drag me into any of that bull crap." She says and throws her hair up in a ponytail. I look down. "Got it..." I whisper. "Hey." She says,kneeling down in front of me. "I still love you. I just dont want to go into a stupid church. Trust me. Not a good idea." She says and kisses my forehead.

I sigh. "What? Something bothering you?" She asks. I look up and give her a fake smile. "Nope. Im fine." I say and kiss her. She smiles. "Good." She says. "You should get going. My mom will kill you if you dont hurry." She said with a small chuckle. "Ok." I get up and take my phone. "That it?" She asks. I nod.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2018 ⏰

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