Ch. 8

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It was past lunchtime, but I had some food anyway. By that time some of the teachers were already out of their chairs.

Fred told me that Snape was finding a way to poison the whole class. George agreed, obviously. I rolled my eyes. "I don't know about you witches and wizards, but I don't hate Professor Snape," I said. Fred and George only shrugged.

"Alright," George replied. "I'm going to go see if we can sell any of the inventions." He hopped out of his chair. Fred and I exchanged a glance; we followed George out of the Great Hall.

Once we got our stuff, we had to put them in boxes and make a stand.

We made a stand outside with boxes full of stuff like eavesdropping ears and love potions. "You might wanna get that love potion away from (Y/N). She doesn't need it," George whispered to Fred. Fred chuckled.

"Besides, you and I made them together, so she might fall in love with both of us," George laughed.

Fred set them all out. "Okay, George, you can stay here at the stand while (Y/N) and I go around the school selling them," he suggested. George smirked. "Smooth, Fred. Alright."

He went behind the stand. Fred got the love potions. I made him put them down. "We can both bring some of the eavesdropping ears. There'll be a whole lot of people buying those." Fred glanced regretfully at the love potions.

"Alright, George can be the hotter twin at the moment. Oh well, I already have you. Though I'm guessing George won't need them since Angelina and him-" "Like each other," I finished quickly, seeing Draco Mayfly and his butterfly companions.

"Oh, if it isn't Draco Mayfly," I said. Fred and I laughed. "Care for an Extendable Ear?" Fred asked. Draco Mayfly whipped around. His face was pale and his eyes stretched wide.

"Leave me alone! And get that thing away from me!" He faced the Extendable Ear which Fred had hovering over him. "Stop it, Fred. He's not worth it," I hissed when Fred swirled it around him. He regretfully put it back.

Draco Mayfly straightened. "Whatever. You two are pathetic, anyway. Come on, Crabbe and Goyle." He shot away, walking extremely fast, with glances behind his back.

Fred and I exchanged a glance, grinning. "What are you two doing?" Hermione asked, who was stalking towards them from the front.

"Selling Extendable Ears," Fred replied. "Good-bye now." Hermione gave him a disgusted look. "What? Fred, (Y/N), these are horrible ideas. You are not going to be selling them. Put them away!"

"But, Hermione, she just got them out," Fred whined. I chuckled.

"Put them away. Or else!" Hermione scowled. Fred smirked. "Or else what?" "Or else I will write to your mum," Hermione said.

"No! Fine, fine, we'll put them away," Fred snapped. He glanced at Hermione ounce and left. "You're not really putting those away, right?"

Fred grinned again. "Nope!"

By the end of the day, each of us got at least 4 Galleons, 13 Sickles, and 14 Knuts. I put the money in my bag.

"Good night, Hermione," I said drowsily and went to sleep.

I had school the next day and Quidditch practice in the evening.

I am going to Herbology right now. I had Potions twice at the end of the school day.

In the greenhouses, Fred and I were standing side-by-side. "Today," announced Professor Sprouts, "you are going to work with your Toothed Drones to turn them into flowers. Soon enough, you'll find out how. Oh, I'm just kidding, turn them upside down!"

Everyone turned their Drones upside down. The girls' Drones just flew away and turned into a flower in the sky for everyone to look at, though it quickly disappeared.

However, the boys' Drones became flowers. Each flower was different. I saw that George had gotten a pretty green zebra print on it with short petals.

Fred was covering his with his jacket. Professor Sprouts only grinned when some girl called out, angrily, "What about our flowers?!"

"It's close to Valentine's Day, everyone, and that means the boys are going to be asking out the girls." "Oh, obviously," one of the boys muttered.

Professor Sprouts smiled. "Don't let your special girl see the flower until it's Valentine's Day. Oh, they probably already have."

She waved her wand. I instantly forgot what George's and the other boys' flower looked like.

"Have a good rest of the day," Professor Sprouts said. Everybody went out. Fred was hiding his flower.

"Fred, what does yours look like?" I asked, curiously. "Um... I can't tell you," Fred said, grinning.

George smiled, too. "Wow, I didn't know you liked her that much," he whispered to Fred. He blushed. "Shut up."

"Everybody hush, Umbridge is coming!" Angelina whispered. "Go somewhere! Shoo!" Fred, George, Angelina, and I all went into the nearest room.

The lights flickered on and I saw a wooden desk with long legs. The chair looked dull and patchy. There weren't any desks for students, but pictures on the walls.

"She's gone. Let's go," Angelina said after a few minutes. But I hardly heard her. I walked quietly into the room and scanned the walls.

I saw a green light in the corner. I slowly walked toward it. I shoved the bookshelf away and saw a door. Green !light covered the crack.

I pushed it open and walked inside.

The door slammed shut behind me. I whipped around to try and open it again, but something called out, "Noooo."

I pushed the door, but it did not open. My heart pounded; I turned back around and found a set of stairs.

I smelled something like rotten eggs.

I went down the stairs. When I was at the bottom, I heard the door open. Before I could look behind, some long, green tentacle pulling my by the legs.

I landed with a thump at the bottom. I tried grabbing the stairs, but what use is that? It didn't work!! I'm panicking. How will I get out.

Then, I saw a fat green blob. It pulled me toward a hole in the floor and made a slimy sound.

I was staring at it, then, something grabbed my outstretched hand. Fred!

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