Blank Slate

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​The dust had finally settled. The war had finally been won on fair grounds and Agnar had once again proven that he doesn't choose sides. Now the Spirit walked among the jagged stone the dead laid on, giving each a proper burial before Kawthar came to claim them. One wolf's paw in front of the other, he continued to properly send off the dead as a sign of respect because of the battle fought. The fur of the animal climbed up his legs to just below the knees and up from his hands to just before the elbows. This was joined with a wolf's tail and ears to complete his appearance.

​Agnar saw the battlefield as his stomping grounds, his territory. This is why he oversaw the battles that took place there for he would be the one to bear witness to the destructive determination and ingenuity that only humans could muster. It wasn't that he supported the carnage but rather that he supported the strength and bravery he saw there. However, he didn't like when someone particularly strong would take on the likes of a small village. He liked to watch the different struggles when given the same starting point so he would only intervene to even the playing field.

​ He eventually finished the ritual and left to return to his home, a dark cold cave with few keepsakes from the other spirits and past battles fought. His cave would feel more like a home, but those treasures were buried long ago. He reached his den 30 minutes after the battle ended. It never took long to reach his home because humans often choose to fight at the base of his mountain were there was no vegetation, only dry tan earth beneath their feet. He raised the stone chest plate off of his shoulders and removed his gauntlets and leg guards made of similar stone at the door or rather the war banners that acted like a curtain at the entrance.

​Inside the cave the walls were covered with similar banners from other battles. If he bothered to count there would be 72 total for luckily the kingdoms in his area were relatively peaceful or rather they feared Agnar's "divine intervention". He never joined the fight to kill or to demonstrate his strength and power. It was only ever to help the underdog so that they had a fighting chance. That and Agnar loved watching the display of sheer power and determination. It reminded him of himself and his drive to fight. His inspiration to protect and serve his dear Mother Nature. He fought for fairness yes but he also fought for peace because he knew the needless death saddened his friend.

​Agnar's need to protect and serve lead to him spending a lot of time with Sunitha. He chose to live for her and he would fulfill that wish to his grave. Sunitha had saved him from himself and given him a purpose and she probably didn't even realize. He cared for her deeply and respected her just the same. This alone led to a growing need to be close to her and ensure her safety. She was delicate yet strong and kind yet blunt. To him there was no way to truly describe her without sounding contradictory.

​He was selfish at his core. He didn't think anyone really deserved her grace. Sometimes not even the other spirits and that included himself. Sometimes he thought Arunya was too casual, unfocused and undisciplined. Sometimes (often times) he found Cansu too weak. He didn't hate the water spirit but he would not DARE leave Sunitha alone with him for an extended period of time. If anything happened he would likely cower in fear and surrender just as he has done to Agnar when they sparred or rather when they attempted sparring. Cansu kept saying that he should know how strong he is but he keeps forgetting Agnars problem.
​It hurts to be reminded so many times of how you should be something but you're not. That's how Agnar feels about his memories. He doesn't have the memories of his past lives like the other spirits. So to him there's always this standard of who he is and should be, but since his memory was gone his old self was erased. He was new and, from the start, compared to someone he would never know. He lashed out against the spirits.

​Ever since Arunya found him, his young body in the canyons of his future territory, he was told tales of the strong spirit, stubborn and sturdy as earth itself, that had come before him. They constantly reached out for memories in hopes it would give the young pup guidance with his powers, but Agnar saw it as an attempt to control him and his destiny, so he resisted. He hated the spirits and the wolf that followed and reminded him of them. He couldn't take it. Wolves only served as a reminder of his prison. He wanted the big bad wolf that tormented him gone.He tried to get rid of it but whenever he would wound it he felt the pain as well.

He couldn't hurt that wolf but he would kill others.

​Agnar shook his head harshly. He didn't like to be alone. It made him think too hard on his past. He needed Sunitha. He needed to be with her. It was the only thing that saved him. Her pain had showed her strength. Her pain had showed him true strength in pain. Her pain saved the lives he took.

​He walked out of his cave to go to her forest and the sky seemed darker as a heavy feeling settled in his stomach.

(Pictures by the lovely Jayrome_the_Jayraffe)

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