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Katniss's P.O.V

"Hi." I said in a small voice. "Hey Catnip is that you?How's it been?" Infinity said. That was her nickname for me ever since we met. "Finny, WE'RE IN THE BACK OF A TRUCK BEING KIDNAPPED." "Really?" "Shut up." "I was being sarcastic," "I know." "oh." That was the last time we have talked. It has been 1 hour. We started moving about 30 minutes ago. I looked out and pushed the tarp a bit and found out that we are on a plane to London,England.

Jesica's P.O.V

Haha I think I like just like saw that ugly Infinity girl get like kidnapped! Good for her I hope they run her over with a buss! "Come on girls we gotta go to Hollister." I said. "KK, uh Cortney u coming?" said Victoria looking discussed that Cat was looking at the Justin Beiber stuff. She has a little addiction but not that hog wich is good.

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