~Date Night~

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"OMG OMG OMG" Ink squealed running around his house "Errors going to be here any minute pull yourself together!"

Ink doused himself in deodorant, swinging his ironed scarf around his neck, patting his clothes down.

*Ding Dong~*

The bell chimed, Error was at the door holding a bouquet of flowers for ink, Ink squealed and rushed toward the door, he couldn't contain his excitement, he opened the door and...

"Hey Err- rrrrarrrlghhh!!!" he vomited once again emptying his mouthful of ink onto the step"

Error looked down "oh... What a greeting, why did you barf? Are you sick?"

"Nonononono I'm not sick, I just barf ink when I'm excited" Ink giggles looking up at error, his face blushing, holding a beautiful bouquet of golden flowers.

"Is that for me?" Ink blushes

"Nah it's for the fish" Error jokes pointing at the fish in inks Fish tank

"Very funny" Ink chuckled taking the flowers and placing them in a vase

"Let's go! Otherwise were going to miss the previews! They are my favourite part"

Ink chuckled more, he already knew error was funny, but this is ridiculous.

(Errors POV)
I was really nervous, trying to keep myself from crashing, this was the most nerve wracking thing I have ever done, I had never taken anyone on a date before let alone someone I used to fight with. I led Ink down the street to the movie cinema, telling him jokes on the way making him laugh, we reached the cinema and it was packed full of different monsters, I looked around and become more nervous, I hated people

"What movie are we seeing Error?" Ink asked looking over at me, I was half glitching out"

"Error?!" he came up to me "Are you alright! Your glitching up!"

I didn't answer him; my mind was trying to process everything around.

"ERROR!" Ink yelled, I snapped out of it and shook my head

"What was I doing just now?" I asked Ink then sighing

"Are you sure you're alright with coming here, we can go somewhere else if you want" Ink asked in a soft soothing voice

"N-no, it's okay, I want to treat you, make sure your taken care of" I blush looking into Inks eyes

"Aww, you're so sweet, well if you say so" Ink giggles leading me to the line.

"So what are we seeing?"
"ARRGGGHH!" Ink screeched clinging onto me once again, I had a bad feeling about choosing this movie, I really liked the conjuring, so I thought going to the sequel would be cool, but Ink was terrified.

"Note to self never bring Ink to horror movies" I sighed Ink clinging to me tight

"Is it over yet Error!" Ink shivered

"It's only been half an hour" I sighed

The popcorn had been abruptly thrown onto the people in front of us by a terrified Ink and our drink had been knocked all over the floor just beneath my legs, so by now I kinda wanted to go

"Ink if this scaring you we can go" I asked as another jump scare appeared and Ink screeched his loudest screech since the movie started, multiple groans filled the theatre, the usher came to us stepping on the drink puddle then groaning.

"We have had multiple complaints from you two, I must ask you to leave please" usher asked

"Okay, come on ink lets go" I grabbed ink by the hand and lead him out of the theatre

We walked out into the empty theatre foyer Ink frowning and looking down

"I'm so sorry Error, I ruined our date" Ink whimpered

"Hey it's no problem, it's my stupid fault for choosing a scary movie" I answered putting my arm around Ink

*Oh my god, I just made a move*

Ink blushed "Really? But I'm such as wuss"

"Don't worry about it shorty" I chuckled

Ink groaned, obviously not liking that I called him shorty "Well then MR TALL, what now"

"How about we... Ooh!" He looked over to the sideshow alley type game centre "Wanna go have some fun in there" Error asked


(Inks POV)
"I beat you so hard in that game, don't say that you won!" I yelled holding up the giant teddy that I had won

"But I slammed you in everything else" Error chuckled taking another plate of sushi off the sushi train

We spent almost two hours at the game centre, it was amazing, Error was really good at beating me... But he was a gentleman and offered to take me out to Sushi, I almost barfed again because of it, he is actually such a gentleman, I never pictured him as one

"Hey Ink, here comes the tuna, you want it" Error askes

"No thanks, I'm absolutely stuffed" I said patting my bloated belly, I had only eaten 4 plates, Error had eaten 8 now

"I can't believe you have eaten 8 plates Error!" I exclaimed pushing him a little "You pig"

"Well I thought that maybe we could walk them off" Error said getting up and holding out his hand, "Want to top this date off by joining me for a beach walk?

My eyes lit up rainbows, I felt like I was going to barf again but I held it in "I would love that" I took his hand, our eyes meeting, I smiled bright and he started walking me out of the restaurant, luckily, he paid.

He walked me down to the shore, the city lights shone brightly onto the water, my eyes widened "Wow! This is beautiful" I said in awe

"Not as beautiful as you" Error chuckled

"Hey!" I pushed Error slightly "Your such a cheeseball"

"Well why don't you eat me then" Error chuckled, I pushed him again

He led me down to the water, the waves washing up against my feet the water was nice and warm, error took my hand once again squeezing it tightly

"Did you enjoy tonight?" He asked stroking my palm with his thumb

"Yeah, it was the best time I had in ages, what about you" I asked back a yellow blush covering his face

"Definitely, and ink?" He asked

"Yes?" I tilted my head

"Would... you maybe um like, to do this again sometime" he asked

"Sure" I gleamed "I would love too"

"But, not as just friends... Maybe as my, boyfriend" he questioned

I giggled feeling an wave of dominance

"Come here mr" I giggled

I pulled him in for a kiss, our teeth clanked against each other, it was long and passionate, when we broke the kiss we stared at each other in a daze

This sealed the deal

Ink x Error {My Love is True}Where stories live. Discover now