~Recovery and Discovery~

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Beep.... Beep... Beep...

"Oh ink... Please be okay..." Error sighed looking over to Ink, plugged into an IV, his wounds bandaged

"At least he is safe, and healing, and that cross bastard is dead" Error grumbles and sits down next to ink petting his head "I love you my little short stack"

CRASH! The door flung wide open and Blue and Dream came racing  into the hospital room

"INK!" They both yelled running into the room

"SHUT UP" Error yelled "He's resting"

"Sorry Error we heard what happened and came straight here" Dream said frantically

"Did you hear everything..." Error stuttered nervously worried dream would find out that he killed Cross

"Just that Ink was hurt by a violent Sans, then Cross tried to save him b-but..." Dream whimpers and starts to cry

"Dream, don't think about it, as long as Ink is safe" Blue softly cooed

*Better they think that hey...* Error thought, relieved

"Eh em!" Science Sans growled, the three turning around

"Oh hey Sci! We are visiting Ink! Is he ok" Blue lit up

"Ssssh! this is a hospital Blue, you are too loud!" Sci explained

"Yeah blue.." Error quietly quipped

Blue complied but punched error hard in the arm

"OW!" Error yelped glitching wildly

"SSSH!" Sci demanded

"Yeah Error, ssssh!" Blue taunted, he really did hate error

"As you know I'm the neurological Scientist here, and I got good news about Ink" Sci explained

"He's okay right? No brain damage" Dream asked sweat pouring from his head

"Nope! No brain damage, he had a few broken ribs, but that is easily fixable as we are magical skeletons, he should make a full recovery in 6 - 8 weeks, meaning he can return to doing what he does best" Sci happily informed

"BEING A STAR SANS" Dream and Blue stood up excitedly

"What did I say! Out you two now!" Sci demanding angrily pointing forcefully at the door the two excitable muffins (sssh don't say a word) walked out in shame, Error chuckling

"Your not off the hook either mister, when Ink wakes up, I got some for you two" Sci said with a smirk, then making his way out

"Shit..." Error sighs getting up, he stares down at ink and smiles "I'll be back soon"

*about 2 hours later*

The once bare hospital room of ink, was decorated in colourful banners and flowers for Ink, it was gruelling for error to do, but he went through with it to make his Ink Dink happy, Error sat next to Ink trying to beat his high score in subway surfers


"H-huh" Error jumped "Ink?!"

"E-error?" Ink groaned

"Ink your awake!" Error squealed?

Error went down and hugged a half awake Ink, Ink happily sighing

"Error... what happened?" Ink asked slowly panting

"You were attacked... Cross nearly killed you" Error explained sadly

"Wow... I never... *huff* Thought" Ink said trying to sit up

"Hey, hey, hey no, you lay down, your recovering" Error gruffly demanded

"Ok... ok... you don't have to- WOAH!~" Ink gasped, looking around at the colourfully decorated room "Error did you do this?"

"Yes... Only because you hate seeing a dull room, and I wanted you to wake up to something... not dull?" Error explained

"Oh error!!" Ink squealed abruptly springing up to hug him

"Oi, no! Down now Ink!!!" Error yelled

"Fine... Sorry..." Ink sighed laying back down

"What with all the noise?" A nurse asked quite angrily peering into the room "OH?!~ I gotta go get Sci!" The nurse happily exclaimed them running down the corridor

"What? Sci?" Ink asked

"Yeah... Apparently he has some big news for us or something" Error sighed patting Inks skull

Ink giggled

"I'm just... so ecstatic that your okay Ink..." Error lent down to hug Ink, placing a kiss upon his forehead

"You were such a big sourpuss error... now look at you... decorating a room for me, saving me from cross, what next a-" Ink said being interrupted by sci

"Hello you two, its a pleasure to see you up Ink" Sci happily said coming into the room

"Hey, sci, thank you so much for helping be get better" Ink chirpped

"Hey, don't thank me, thank all the surgeons that patched you up, and error... If it wasn't him, you could have died" Sci explained

"Jeez thats deep..." Error said nervously

"My hero" Ink said in awe giving him a kiss on the cheek

"Come on Science...now what's this big news?" Error asked

"Would you two be able to handle it at this moment... It's pretty hard to take" Sci asked

"Yes, I've been waiting all day, lay it on us, It's not like Ink has cancer or anything, we are skeletons!" Error fumes

"Ok, ok, yes... well, when we were running some tests on Ink we found out something, rather exciting" Sci chirped

"Yes..... Cut to it" Error demanded

"Ok, well, congratulations you guys! Ink is pregnant!"



{Zoo wee mama, Inkle dinkle is preggers, someone didn't use a condom in chapter seven! Thank you guys for the on going love on this story I really appreciate it, but, it's coming to that time were a story must end... and be continued IN THE SEQUAL, stay tuned for sequal everyone "Ink x Error: The next chapter! Coming soon}

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