Chapter 56: EPILOGUE

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John slammed the door behind him before running up the stairs, nearly tripping over them in his haste.

Sherlock was back. For the second time in less than a year, a criminal mastermind had saved his best friend from a suicide mission in Eastern Europe. Mycroft had looked exceedingly grave when he gave John the news that Sherlock was back at Baker Street and explained to him that there was another threat to England that had to be dealt with. He advised that John wait until Sherlock contacted him, but the former army doctor had caught the first cab he could to Baker Street to see what the threat was, and how Sherlock intended to deal with the problem of his estranged lover, Molly.

And so, John burst through the door of 221B and skidded to a halt.

There, in the middle of the sitting room floor, was the only consulting detective in the world, John's former flatmate, tangled around one Doctor Molly Hooper.

John blinked for a moment, speechless and frozen in place.

Molly and Sherlock blinked back at him, thankfully mostly hidden by a sheet obviously taken from Sherlock's bed which meant… they'd already been there too.

John finally moved when Sherlock found his voice a roared at him to go away and let the detective get back to "making love to my fiancée."

"Oh, congratulations!" John shouted, backing quickly out of the room and flying down the stairs. He caught a glimpse of Mrs. Hudson standing in her door, laughing hysterically, just before he made it out of the building.

Needless to say, he waited until Sherlock called him, several days later, to revisit the former place of residence.



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