The Wolf Inside

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            A heavy snow fluttered from the sky, the cold numbing his exposed skin. The forest was deafeningly quiet but his panting and thunderous sprinting interrupted the heavenly illusion. The trees whispered to one another, the icy wind assisting them. The flakes that grazed him sensed his fear. The forest knew all too well of the upcoming events.

            Finally, the man stopped. Exhaustion had won the battle of terror and he fell to his knees to vomit. His leather vest had been torn and the thin cloth shirt beneath it soaked in blood. Brown eyes darted from one tree to the next, the only light that helped him see passed the shadows was the luminous full moon above. Tears trickled down his cheek, an odd display of emotion for a Viking man.

            “What’s the matter?” a distorted female voice rang in his head. He yelled and rose clumsily to his feet.

            “Get away!” voice cracked, knees trembling, and pulse accelerating, it took all his might to fight off unconsciousness.

            “But you wanted me,” a giggle, “in fact I believe you were rather insistent to have my body.”

            The man was too tired to run further, he was too scared to fight back, and he was too ignorant to keep a level head. He was falling victim to his own demise. The wind picked up emphasizing the appearance of a gorgeous woman. Her blonde hair whipped around as though dancing. Her blue eyes shined a tint of green. Her body was curved and sculpted to perfection. Yet here was this man wallowing in horror.

            “Y-you’re a monster!” he fell back to his knees, soiling himself in the process.

            “And you’re a dishonorable man.” She placed her delicate hand on his head. “My husband may be away for the season of raiding, but I was your worst mistake.”

            “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I won’t touch you again!” uncontrollable sobbing blinded his vision. Once he recovered he took note of her sudden absence.

            The woods stilled waiting in anticipation for the next step of the all too frequent ritual to occur. As if on cue, a large blonde strange looking wolf launched itself at the man.

            The white snow became stained with blood. It was only a matter of time before the she wolf returned with another ignoble man. The wind calmed to a breeze and the snow settled to mere flurries. Silence fell onto the forest once more.

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