Take Min Hand, Reap Thou Life

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Guren Ichinose stared down at the sinking demon before him. The scarlet demon, Noya, was grinning broadly, his outstretched hand beckoning for Guren. Black chains held the demon down, sinking him into the barren ground.

"Grab my hand, Guren, and I can give you the power you've always wanted," Noya replied, his voice having an uplifting sing-song tone. Guren remained unconvinced. He studied the demon, his eyes darting from the chains to Noya to the white that surrounded him.

It was true that Guren wanted power. He was the lowest of the low, an Ichinose mongrel. He wanted to stand up to the Hiragis, the most-powerful clan of Japan, if not the world. If he wanted to do that, he didn't have much time. The world was going to end around Christmas.

The trumpets of the apocalypse will sound.

Everyone older than 13 would die. And Guren just turned 16. He had to figure out a way to stop the Hiragis and the Order of the Imperial Demon, the army the Hiragi clan commanded. He had to save Mahiru, his childhood sweetheart turned to a demon by researching cursed gear. The cursed gear was the only hope the clans had against what was to come. It was the only thing that seemed to hurt vampires.

Guren crouched down beside the demon. White mist circled his feet. "Power?" He asked, his purple eyes staring into Noya's scarlet.

"Mmhm," Noya replied in a sing-song voice. Pearly white fangs peeked from his lip as he smiled coldly. "All the power you could ever want and more!"

And then Guren did a stupid thing, possibly the first stupid thing he had done in his life after being so calculating with every decision. He grabbed Noya's hand.

The black chains that once held the demon down dissipated into thousands of specks, being lost in the white mist. A darkness enveloped the area, squeezing out the breath Guren had. He watched as the demon jumped up on his feet. The darkness grew thicker, the white mist turning black itself.

"Good call," Noya said, smiling again. Victory blazed brightly in his eyes.

"..." was Guren's reply.

Guren's eyes studied the demon's tiny black horns with apprehension. The demon instead stared at Guren. Noya's lips parted to show his pearly teeth, a pink tongue scraping along his bottom lip. The more they stared at one another, the more Guren's stomach churned. He got the feeling that Noya was simply playing with him.

"Sleep now, Guren," Noya grinned, his voice melodic. A clawed hand shot out and pressed against Guren's forehead. The world suddenly went black, and only the whistle of mist was all Guren could see.

Guren opened his eyes. He looked around, gathering his bearings. Shinya Hiragi was off to the side, smiling like he always insufferably does. Shinya was the adopted son of the infamous Hiragi clan, said husband-to-be to Mahiru Hiragi. Only, Mahiru loved Guren. There would be no wedding, no honeymoon for Shinya and Mahiru. She was slowly being consumed by a demon, on the run from both the Hiragi clan, as well as the Thousand Nights.

Once Shinya saw Guren, he was at his side. Guren tried reaching a hand out, but found that he was bounded. "Shinya," Guren said. Surprisingly, the possessed boy did not act the way he did before. Instead, he was camouflaged as the cold and calculating Guren Ichinose. Noya seemed to want to play more with Guren before inevitably taking over his essence.

"Is it really you, Guren?" Shinya asked. The smile was wiped from his face. Kill him, the voice inside of Guren screamed.

Guren remained silent and calm.

Guren Ichinose: Catastrophe At Sixteen Volume 2 FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now