Pillow Made of Thorns

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I was only little when my favourite cousin passed away.

I was nine when he died, he was only young too, he was fourteen with a wonderful life ahead of him, until one day his life changed forever.

It was the school holidays, so i was staying at my grandma's house for about a week. I remember having a wonderful time there. We spent all the time together.

It was about three days into my stay. It was New Year's Day. I was watching the television with my grandma and grandpa. The New Year's special was on channel ABC. During the show of 'Banana's in Pyjamas' the phone rang. My grandma went to answer it, while i stayed watching the TV.

When she answered the phone i heard her say things like, "oh that's horrible," "poor boy," and things like, " That's no good." i became curious about whom she might be talking to.

After about five minutes he handed me the phone, i sat on the couch and heard my fathers voice.

"Hello?" i said. There was a pause. He finally replied, slowly talking with a soft voice. " Your cousin, he has passed away..." At first i thought it was just a joke, slowly laughing. " Are you being serious?' I remember asking a few times. The laughter was fading into small panics. He said yes and I collapsed onto the couch. I was trying to process it, I didn't want to believe what I was hearing. It was like a barrier around my head, blocking the entire sentence.

"He died just this morning," he explained. I could feel my eyes starting to flood with tears. It felt like my heart was about to burst. It was racing so fast. My dad ended the conversation, " i will tell you everything when u get home." He hung up the phone and i was left on the couch sobbing.

I was on the couch with my head dug into the pillow. The pillow comforted me, but after all my tears had rushed from my eye and socked into my pillow it began to feel like a pillow made out of thorns.

I struggled up and walked to the dinning room, where my grandma waited to comfort me. With my head down and slow steps i walked into the room. When i saw my grandma's sweet face full of sympathy and sorrow i crashed into her arms and the tears came flooding down. At that moment i felt as if my tears could fill a small swimming pool.

"I want to go home." i begged. My voice was as quiet as a mouse. I stayed in that same position, wrapped in my grandma's warm arms for about ten minutes.

She let go of me and said she had an idea. She explained her idea and i started straight away.

I grabbed a pen and some paper and began. I was going to write my cousin a goodbye letter to put in his grave. i began writing about all the loveable things about him, how h was so sweet, caring and funny. The list could go on and on.

It took me over an hour to finish my letter. When i finished i sealed it in an envelope and placed it carefully on the table. I gave my grandparents big, tight hugs and walked up to my room. I fell onto my bed and the good memories came flooding into my head. Eventually I fell asleep, but not with sadness, with happiness.

The end! :)


This was just a quick little memoir that i wrote for an assignment in school and i felt like adding it to wattpad. I hope it was at least half decent.

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