Adorable Shyness

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Harinu's POV

After watching Ryu consume three large bowls of Ramen noodles, that I didn't know I had left, the small brunette flopped down on the couch next to me with a sigh. He had a satisfied grin on his face as he rubbed his cheek into my arm like a cat, closing his eyes in content.

"That was amazin~" He sang with a grin that showed off his pearly white teeth. I chuckled lowly. He is too adorable when gets the food he wanted, matter of fact, he was too adorable over all. Besides his rude and snappy attitude he's pretty fluffy and sweet towards me, however, that was usually after treating him.

He's so cute during all of his phases and emotions, not to mention he's small with a quick earning temper and a high fighting spirit. This made him even cuter when he'd try to beat me up and he has to look up while spitting threats. He's around 5'1 and I'm 6'3, so I towered over the munchkin and would just laugh at his attempts of trying to start a quarrel that I had no reason to promote.

He has his days, some he's bubbly, others he's stoic, and sprinkled on everyday is his inner asshole that would burst out constantly to make someone feel like... Well, shit. But that's why I like him the way I do. His every way causing me to have even stronger feelings for him.

"You should feed me more tomorrow ~" He said looking dazed before he flopped down in my lap. I felt my cheeks heat up and I tensed when his head rested on my private area.

"I always feed you." I retorted in mock shock at his words. He grinned and looked up at me, his eyes hidden behind his dark sunglasses.

"You don't always feed me." His voice was lower and full of amusement sending a spark of an odd feeling through me. It made me smile even more and I snickered slumping back into the couch raising a hand to my damp hair.

"Because you always help yourself." I stated. It made me wonder how the man was still thin with all the food he would consume within a week.

"Exactly!" He piped throwing his small arms in the air with a look that yelled 'Obviously, dumbass!'.

"That's still feeding you, Ryu."

"Shut up!"

The small man crossed his arms and looked away with a pout on his lips. It tempted me to squeeze his cheeks so he would resemble a fish but I had a better way to tease him.

"Greedy midget." I mumbled lowly looking off as if I didn't say anything, waiting for his reaction. If there was anything that pissed Ryu off more than insulting him it would be teasing him about his height.

Ryu furrowed his brows and his grin fell from his face in a flash. Oh boy, here it comes.

"Excuse me?" He hissed with such venom he could pass for a snake if he wanted. However, me being used to it, I just smirked.

"Greedy. Midget."

Ryu shot up and jumped on me with an animalistic growl knocking me down on the couch. He straddled my stomach and grabbed my shoulders harshly to make sure my attention was on him.

"Who are you calling a midget?!" He growled in a higher
than normal voice, clearly offended. "I'm not even that short, dickhead!"

"Last time I checked, my dick was against your head, small one." I said slyly.

"A-" He froze flushing a bright pink at my words before growling and digging his nails into my shoulders sharply as he pinned me down. It honestly hurt a bit, as my shoulders are sensitive areas, but I didn't show any signs of pain and kept my amused smirk up to tick him off more.

"Sh-shut up, pervert!" He yelled. "Why do you have to make everything so damn embarrassing?!"

I bursted into a fit of laughter. This guy was too cute! His reaction to everything was absolutely priceless and his blush and stutter made him all the more adorable. His face came closer and he groaned in annoyance.

"Stop laughing!" He squeaked making me laugh louder. Major voice crack. "Shut up!"

Ryu's hand slapped me in the face with weak force, not really hurting me but enough to leave it stinging for a few seconds. I continued to laugh nevertheless.

"Ow!" I giggled. "What was that for?" I asked even though I knew it was the teasing he hit me for.

Ryu gasped as if realizing what he's done and swooped down so we were face to face. And before I could process what was happening, he pressed his soft lips against my reddened cheek giving it a gentle kiss.

I shut up immediately.

He held the kiss for a few seconds, as if massaging my face with his mouth, then pulled back with a low smack. I blushed, my face burning in embarrassment just as Ryu's face took on the red color as well. I gasped and quickly sat up, resulting with Ryu flying back and flopping on the floor.


"Gah! Ow!" He squeaked, rising into a sitting position and rubbing his back which he roughly landed on. "What the hell, Rinu!"

"What? You made me feel awkward!" I yelled in defense, my hands gripping the grey couch below me. Was I really just kissed?!

"That doesn't mean you can just throw me on the floor!"

"Then why'd you kiss me!" I don't know why I'm making it such a big deal, it wasn't like it was on the lips. But, the fact that Ryu kissed me at all sent my stomach in loops.

Ryu froze up again and he had an unsure look on his face, his nails digging into the carpet. I could tell he wanted to say something, but he was probably too embarrassed to speak. This has happened multiple times before and I would let him drop the topic as he seemed like he would pass out any second from the pressure. But tonight was different and I wanted to hear whatever he had to say.

"Ryu." I said lowly like a warning, but no matter how hard I tried I still sounded concerned. I really wanted to know what thought made him tense up everytime he was about to say it.

"I.." He trailed off and raised a hand, removing his sunglasses to reveal lowered brown eyes. Somehow, seeing his eyes made his entire demeanor seem different. Now, more of a sad expression played on his face and he dodged eye contact.

"I.." He glared at the floor than looked up at me sternly. "I only did it out of sympathy! I didn't mean to hit you and I didn't want you mad at me!" He yelled. I stared in surprise.

"Also, you wouldn't shut the fuck up!" He added. I snorted, snickering a bit making him growl.

"Harinu!" He squeaked throwing his glasses at me which clonked me right in my head.


"Shut the hell up!"

I sighed giggling as I rubbed my sore head. "Okay, jeez."

"I'm really close to punching that sexy face of yours." Ryu warned.


I blushed crimson. "What?" I said not believing my ears. Sexy? He thought I was sexy too?!

Ryu blushed looking at me with wide eyes. "I-"

"Ryu." I interrupted, eyeing him carefully. He tensed up again. " I have something I need to say."


End of chapter! I'm not one for cliff hangers but eh, I decided to slip one in there for those who may be reading. I know it's been a bit since I last updated but I've been lazy and busy so I haven't had time to type. Ta ta!

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