tomorrow is the day

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Miro's POV

Today is the last day for me here in dubai and Ronnie's last day in AZ , its kinda sad but we're going to have a great time in Florida omg its 9:30 am I never woke up so early lol I need to get ma lazy ass outta bed!
*I get up and go take a shower, 10 minutes later I got out got dressed into this

Today is the last day for me here in dubai and Ronnie's last day in AZ , its kinda sad but we're going to have a great time in Florida omg its 9:30 am I never woke up so early lol I need to get ma lazy ass outta bed!*I get up and go take a shower,...

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And curled my hair i also did my makeup real nice*
bc today im hanging out with my bff Jana at starbucks for the last time in months

*skip to starbucks*

I go in starbucks and I see jana waiting over for me, so I climb onto her and we both start screaming and all the people staring at us, we get up

nd sit down at her table I ,sat across from her and she had already ordered our carmel frappe we start talking for a little and out of the corner of my eye I see her tearing up and her cheeks were red so I started crying at this point, I went and sat by her side and hugged her sooo tight

Me:"I know jana, its hard but I need to leave" I said crying

Jana:"I understand Miro, and just so you know I love you so much and I will miss you soo bad" she said also crying

Me:"I will miss you way more and i love you more than what you think NOW I DONT WANNA SEE TEARS IN THOSE EYES!" I said wiping away tears from her face

Jana:"YA I DONT WANNA SEE NO TEARS TOO YA KNOW" she said hugging me and still crying

Me:"Im leaving tomorrow morning at 4:30" I said

Jana:"can I stay over tonight?" She said still wiping her tears

Me:"yeah I need you with me this last night! I'll drive us home" I said


After staying at starbucks for a good 3 hours talking we drive back home.

End of Miro's POV

Ronnie's POV

Today imma go walk around the neighborhood and see some of my friends hang out with them since its my last day here, im really sad that im leaving everything, my friends, my school, my teachers, and my family, but I mean I really need to try out new things and experience a whole new life but anyways I need to go get ready now!

*I get up, brush mg teeth, straight my hair, put on some makeup, and put this on

*I get up, brush mg teeth, straight my hair, put on some makeup, and put this on

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and I also ate breakfast, and head out the door!*

*after lunch*

So after I had lunch with my friends we decided to go to the movies and watch "Mama" which is a horror movie, and so my friends and I were cuddled together bc we were hella scared no lie!

*after the movies*

I went home and facetimed some of my other friends
(Wow ronnie u have alot friends)
Once I got done I took a shower and ate dinner and then I facetimed Miro and see what's up

*face time convo*

R: hey wassup!
M: hi im with jana rn
R: wait is that jana you've been talking about?
M: ya thats her! Jana come here
                *jana comes in*

R: hi jana wassup!!
J: ayeee hi nun much hbu?
R: same here haha miro has been telling me about you
J: really?? Ayyee she my bestie
M: am I forgotten yall?
R&J: ya we besties now
M: k bye *hand the phone to jana*
R&J: nuuu come back we were jk
M: no you weren't!
R: yes we were
M: fine
R: im tired....
M&J: me too
R: good night guys
M&J: night

I then just close my phone and go to bed right after

*skip to the morning*


Xoxo Miro

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