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"You are a mess Ashley!" Those are the first words i hear from my mother every morning.

"I know I 'have to pick one thing and stick with it' I know mom." I say annoyed.

"First it was swim. Then it was band, then orchestra, then fucking football! When are you going to get your life together Ash!" She lectures me as if i was in my mid-thirties with  a daughter, no job and no husband *cough* mom*cough*

"Okay look mom, let me try Ice Skating. If I don't like it I will have to suck it up and stay in ice skating. Please it looks so interesting just please!" I beg.

"Fine." She finally agree with an annoyed eye roll. I jump up from happiness and kiss her cheek.

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you!" I yell repeatedly. I look at my phone realizing that i had school today. 


"AHHH I'M LATE! SORRY MOM BYE LOVE YA!" I say as i run out the door and sprint to the bus stop. Much to my amusement i had already missed it. I guess I'm walking... again. 

I actually didn't mind walking it was relaxing to me. The fresh air, the sound of the birds singing the cars gong by. It's peaceful.

I finally arrived at school. I was having a really good day, my mom agreed to let me do ice skating, I got to walk to school, all my friends are here. It was great... up until geography when i realized i didn't do my homework. So now i was failing geography and my day was bad.

The rest of the day went by in a blur. I walked back home and my mom wasn't there as usual.

However this time there was a box with a note on top of it.


I had to go on a trip to find a job. I'll be gone for a few weeks, everything you need is in the fridge. Hope you like the skates they were expensive so you better stick to ice skating.

I love you I'll be back in a few weeks!


I open the box to reveal a pair of beautiful white ice skates that were just my size.

The ice skating rink closed at nine it was currently 6 in the afternoon.

I make my way to the ixe skating rink to try and get the hang of it.

After falling like 20 million times a boy that looked around my age skated over to me.

"Do you need help?" He asked while chuckling.

I scoffed "No than-" my words were cut of by my clumsy self fell.

He laughed and helped me up.

"You need to bend your knees!" He said as he skated away.

I looked confused and fell yet another time.


She walked into the rink and put her skates on. She looked like she was experienced...

Until she actually stepped on the ice. She kept slipping and falling, she looked cute. I couldn't help but stare.

I wanted a reason to talk to her so i decide to go see if she wanted help. She said no and fell again, i laughed while i helped her up and sjated again telling to bend her knees.

She didn't listen and fell ince more.

I had already been praticing my new routine for 3 hours so I decided to call it a day.

I went to the lockeroom and showered since i was quite sweaty.

I didn't have a problem showering there since there was no one really there. Or so i thought.

I was peacefully showering while humming the melody of my routine. Then suddendly another boy came up behind me and yelled "Hello!"

I got scared and slipped on the water.

"Aish, why did you have to do that Taehyung?!" I yelled after realizing who it had been.

He chuckled and said "It was just so easy! I had to!"

We both changed and went to the lobby. There she was again.

She looked sore and hurt and tired. Typical of a begginer. She was about to leave but something inside of me didn't want her to leave as I didn't know if I'd ever see her again.

"Hey you're that girl I tried to help right?" I said as i went after her.

"I guess." She said in an annoyed tone.

"I've been skating for like 10 years now, I can help if you want." I said with a smile.

She thought about for a while and finally responded "Sure! I gotta go now though here's my number text me whenever you're available to help!" She said with a tired smile.

That was easier than I expected. I thought.

I went back to Taehyung with a smile.

"Oh waht are you so smiley about!" He said in a teasing tone.

"Nothing Tae, nothing at all" I replied with an even bigger smile.


Hello! I hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading!


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