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A/N: Welcome to my world of angst, the pile of broken hearts are to your left, the pool of tears is on your right, the souls of the readers are behind you, and infront of you are the emotionless people who wouldn't even cry if their favorite book character died.

Anxiety looked at the date and groaned. Today was July 7th tomorrow will be July 8th for some reason Anx could never remember the 8th, he just would go to sleep on the 7th and the would wake up on the 9th. He looked at the clock, 10:00pm, Anx sighed and spoke to himself,

"Whelp, better get this over with."

He fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

(Hope P.O.V)

I woke up,trying to see through the darkness of the room, I closed my eyes and clapped twice. I could see from the back of my eyelids that the room had changed, shielding my eyes from the now bright white and gold room I looked at the clock, it read 12:01 am.
I managed to get out of the cocoon of blankets. Anxiety really liked to turn into a human burrito whenever the slept.
When I finally fell to the floor, free of the blankets I noticed my clothing, everything was black and moody. I spoke to myself,

"This will not do," I clapped once more and I looked in the floor to ceiling mirror infront of me and saw that my outfit had changed form Anxiety's clothing to my own, A well fitting white leather jacket, a gold muscle shirt, white with gold trim skinny jeans, diamond earrings, and...wait, the eyeshadow hasn't changed. Ah well. I walked over to my dresser searched through the top drawer, after a few minutes I found what I was looking for, gold eyeliner. I walked back to the mirror and applied it to my eyelids, after making sure the wings were the same length I smiled, looking around I saw...

That was never here before. A white door was now parallel to me and it only would be able to happen if, I sat on the bed and put my head in my hands,
It would only appear if I was fading
I knew what to do. Unlike Anxiety I have confidence, I strode to the door and unlocked it, running through a mental list to make everyone's day as full of hope and happiness as possible

A/N: I know this is short but I thought it would be the best place to stop, Please comment if I should Draw Hope's room. I just want everyone to know that this will be fluff for a little bit but it will soon descend into pure angst (I have the story outline right next to me and I promise you it's sad)

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