In the Tower

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Jack's POV

One would think being a princess is easy, that everything get's handed to me on a silver platter. Well, Guess what? It's flippin not! I'm so special that I get taken by some psychopath into the strangest castle, where It's so lonely! I hate being here! I just sit here in my tower staring into a spooky forest. What was it called again? Deadman's woods? Not that it matters. Anti taunts me on a daily basis to the point where I'm not even scared of him anymore. I don't believe I'm ever escaping. After all, so many have died trying to save me, why should more even dare attempt? Most of them are selfish anyways, a couple of knights here, a prince there, so on. To be honest, Anti seems to be the nicest thing I've met. Yeah, sure, he's most likely playing his cards, but he claims he's doing this for "my safety" and such. Everyone I've met who've tried to save me only had selfish intentions in mind. To become royalty, to get rich, to have a high social status... Anti feeds me, gives me a nice place to sleep, and only has hurt me when he's gotten angry. I just wish I could see the outside world. It's not like there's anything to hide, I know I'm a princess, I know that I had a family who cared(I think), and I think my kingdom's lively and well. Anti hasn't claimed against any of that. He just say's it's dangerous, that other demons like him won't be as kind. I kinda believe him on that since most demons want to cause anarchy and such. I just wish I could leave, the worst part is Deadman's woods since this is the place demons live and can't ever leave. Anti can't leave either, but that doesn't mean he can't escort me to the edge of the forest and let me see the world. Well, he does say that if we get surrounded he can't save me. So I guess I'm stuck here for now until my darling  prince saves me.

YES! I've finished! I can't wait to write this and I'm excited, this will be my clean slate from Wattpad, all other stories don't exist (gonna delete them later probs)! So, yes, I made jack a princess. Also my PC is acting up on me so I'm gonna end here! Bye!

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