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There is an app called 'Blue Whale' that anonymous people will ask you to download. DO NOT DOWNLOAD THE APP CALLED 'BLUE WHALE!!' There have been multiple reports on the app.  If you download it, you cannot delete it. It can be played on many social media platforms.  The app gets all of your personal data, such as photos, numbers, credit card numbers, location, and MORE. The game has different challenges over the course of 50 days.  The challenges force you to hurt yourself and send photos as proof you did the challenge. If you don't, the hackers threaten to kill your family. On the 50th day, you are challenged to jump off a tall building. Like all the other challenges, you have to send a photo as proof. Multiple teens have killed themselves out of fear of what could happen if they didn't.

There are also phone calls. DON'T pick up the phone if it has a number you don't know. If you pick up the phone, your name will go on the list and there is no way to get off it. Make sure it is a number you know before picking up.

Let others know about this so they don't make the same mistake as other teens did.

Please, stay safe.
-The One Who Cares

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