All I Can Do

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Maison de Ayakashi, also known as Ayakashi Kan. To the public, it's an apartment complex for the rich and elite, but only fabricated a lie. Truthfully, it was home to humans born with supernatural traits, born at the exact same time and with the same personalities as their ancestors. They were the Throwbacks. They created this place so they could gather and help one another.

Currently, the residents are of all kinds. From a nine-tailed fox to an 100 eyed beast and even to a small Takuki and flying cloth monster. Each resident was assigned one member of the Secret Service, to watch over them and protect them from anything that might pose a threat to their human life styles outside of Ayakashi Kan. So, when word came that a new resident was to move in they were more than anxious to meet them.

"I hear they'll be working as part of the staff." Nobara Yukinokouji, a SS agent informed to hr small group she had gathered around her table.

"Is that so? 'I' wonder what work they'll be doing. We certainly don't need anymore maids." Ririchiyo Shirakiin spoke next as she sat, taking small sips from her teacup she held in her small hand.

"I assume they'll be jumping from job to job. Doing what's needed, when it needs to be done." Soushi Miketsukami, Ririchiyo's SS agent. The talk about the mysterious new client continued until Renshou Sorinozuka showed up with his typical bowl of udon.

"Are you talking about the new girl?" Silence.

"Gir? How do you know that?" Ririchiyo asked the fellow high schooler.

"Ah, you see-"

"Helloooo~!" A loud cheery voice echoed in the lounge. Gazes shifted and heads turned towards the owner of the obnoxious outburst.

Zange Natsume. A pink-haired man, 23 years old that always wears a pair of bunny ers on his head and bandages around his right eye. He is also the SS agent of Banri Watanuki.

"What are you all talking about~?" His voice sang as he apparoched the table, Banri trailing behind him.

"What about the new kid?" Banri's voice was naturally loud, what with him always trying the make a statement and declare his 'delinquent' lifestyle.

"Apparently, they're a young lady." Soushi smiled as he answere the young boy.

"Oh~! A young woman, how fascinating! I wonder what she's like!" Natsume's voice sung as the attention was shifted back to Renshou. They were all silently pressuring the man, waiting for him to talk about her.

"Well, she seemed pretty polite. I helped her with her stuff, she had a lot. She also talked a lot, so she's nt too shy i think." Nobara pulled out a small book with a pen, from God knows where, and her glasses gleamed from the lenses as she pushed them up slightly.

"Tell us! Was she cute?! What did she look like?" Her breath came out in a huff. That was normal coming from her.

"Well, i guess she was pretty cute. Let's see, she had longer hair, silver with some blue? Se had lavender eyes and was pretty short, but seemed to be around my age." Natsume's ears twitched at the description of the young lass. There was no way it was who he thought it could be. Not her.

"She's in room 6. What did she say her name was again?" The man thought, but he drew a blank. "Can't remember." the morning continued and the children went to school as the SS members tended to different activities. However, one was fairly restless as of late.

Natsume. He kept thinking about the new tenant. What if it turned out to be exactly as he thought? His heart hammered in his chest. He one made a point that he understood what it felt like to want to protect the person you're in love with, implying he had experienced something of the sort before.

All I Can Do - Zange Natsume x OCWhere stories live. Discover now