Chapter 5 - Bree

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I was sitting in a concrete room in the police department, waiting to be questioned. Why though? I was obviously the killer. I guess it's a protocol or something.
Finally, a tall brown haired guy walked in. He actually didn't look much older than me. It was so unfair how one teenager can be a murderer against her will and another a policeman, dedicated to good?

"Sabrina Richardson, twenty, correct?" He asked. No? Can I say no? No I can't.
"Yes." I said, reluctantly.
"And you're in for attempted murder, and," He looked down at some files. "The possibility of three other murders."
I nodded. Except possibility was incorrect... Not that I'll say that. Not yet anyway. Or do I want to plead guilty? Do I want to purposefully get caught and end all this?
He put down three pictures in front of me, the three people I'd killed. I looked away, I didn't want to see those. My stomach twisted into painful knots, a wave of nausea washing over me.
"Do you recognize those people?" His eyes were locked onto me, face betraying no emotion.
I hesitated, was I going to be honest or try to lie my way out? I chose lie. With a little of my secret, equally despicable weapon... To save Mom. That's it. I have to get out, send Mom away, far away, and find a way to end this.
"No." I said firmly.
"Why did you look away then?"
Well that question wasn't expected... I chose my words carefully.
"He," I pointed to the picture of a teen boy, "Reminds me of my ex, I haven't gotten over him yet. But..." I looked sideways at him and batted my eyelashes, "I am trying to find ways to get over him." I grinned suggestively. I felt my stomach lurch at the thought of all I suggested in that single phrase, but if it'll keep me out of jail I'll trick this guy into thinking that I would go beyond words.
The officer looked thoughtful and nodded. I let out a breath I'd been holding without realizing it. "Hey, when I get outta here can I have your number?" I asked, playing to my weapon of boys like girls, blah blah blah.
"What were you doing in that lady's house with a knife?" He asked, still watching me closely and ignoring my question.
I was silent. Even I couldn't come up with a believable reason for that besides the truth. I was chopping veggies for her? Trying to protect her against the murderer? Well then I'd have to explain why I thought she'd be next... A prank? Ah yes a prank those include minimal punishment don't they? But then again, I'd be stuck in the same situation all over again and likely be right back here again, unable to claim it was a prank again without looking like a retard. You know, I'm just gonna go like full out flirt and see what happens.
"Were you going to kill her?" He asked quietly, reading through my silence.
"I... Well no I just wanted to get in here so I could have a chance to talk with you, handsome." I winked. He continued ignoring my stupid comments. I was trying not to gag on my stupid comments.
A voice in my ear cut me off. They hadn't taken the earpiece? Seriously? Couldn't they do something right and help me out a bit? "What the heck are ya playin' at there, missy? Oh an ya best not tell 'bout me, I got ya ma right 'ere." I heard a muffled voice, I couldn't make out the words, but it was my mom's.
"No.... Don't..." I gasped.
"What's that?" The officer asked.
"I um nothing just heard someone in..." I pointed to my head, feeling very badly about how I must look. The murderer with voices in her head. Why yes I am a psycho, now I will kill you because the voices said so!
The officer nodded slowly. "Ok, now, were you going to kill that lady?"
I looked down, but didn't respond. Best go with silent remorse I guess, no better ideas at the moment. Flirting wasn't working and likely would just put me in the seductress category as well as the insane psycho murderer one.
He leaned towards me and spoke softly but firmly. "That knife you were carrying was matched as the one that killed those other people, where did you get it?"
"I found it in the bushes in front of my house." Liar liar, I wish my pants were on fire... Or maybe my head. Then I'd be dead. Oh wait, my face is on fire, because I'm blushing that hard from being so ashamed.
"Ok, I think I have enough information now. Thank you, please wait here." He left me there. Yeah, like I wasn't handcuffed to the chair in a concrete room. I'll just waltz out of here.
I sighed and waited. Knowing what was going to happen now.

"You were judged as guilty. They found your fingerprints on a window at one of those houses, the results just came back. You're going to a special jail now, for um... The very bad ones." The officer reported to me. Thanks, because I obviously didn't know what I'd done.
"What jail?" I asked, wondering if I was really bad enough to be classified as a "Bad one." Okay, so I looked insane and dangerous, but did I really get in as a bad one?
"It's called Sanguis Prison, it isn't far. You'll get to say goodbye to your family before you go there tomorrow." The officer left me alone with my thoughts and the silence.
Those words were more scary than the police breaking through that door... My parents, explaining, letting them down, oh goodness kill me now.

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